- 小說閱讀教學的提問示例--以〈勞山道士〉為例
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題 名 | 小說閱讀教學的提問示例--以〈勞山道士〉為例=Using Good Discussion Questions in Novels Reading Instruction--"Lao Shan Dao Shi" |
作 者 | 李鍑倫; | 書刊名 | 臺北教育大學語文集刊 |
卷 期 | 27 2015.06[民104.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-25 |
分類號 | 019.1 |
關鍵詞 | 閱讀歷程; 閱讀策略; 鷹架; 提問設計; 勞山道士; Reading process; Reading strategy; Scaffolding instructions; Design questions; Lao Shan Dao Shi; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要討論在國語文教學中,教師在教學中的角色,應該從課堂上的主講者,轉變為閱讀鷹架的搭建者或閱讀的引導者。除此之外,筆者並提供蒲松齡(勞山道士)一文的提問設計範例,從內容及形式兩個層面出發,在內容上依主題、人物、情節、場景分項說明;在形式上則聚焦在寫作技巧做梳理。希望能藉由學生在閱讀過程中對文本資訊的建構、整合與反省,及其預測、提出疑惑、確認證據、解答問題與反覆修正的歷程,深化閱讀理解或釐清疑惑,建立學生對閱讀的熱情與自信,並幫助他們成為更有效率的閱讀者及學習者。 |
英文摘要 | This paper starts from the brief discussion of teachers' role during the process of students' reading. Besides assisting students ask questions before, during, and after their reading, a teacher should be more like a facilitator throughout students' reading process who offers scaffolding instructions. Furthermore, by providing discussion questions (theme, character, plot, scene, writing techniques) in teaching "Lao Shan Dao Shi," I want to encourage students to use information from the text to prove or disprove their predictions, and develop/ alter their interpretations during the reading process. I close this paper with a reflection on how to motivate students and improve their class participations in the future. |