- 比較環境體驗與傳統課室教學對國小中年級學童地方依附與負責任環境行為之影響:不同時間規畫的調節
- 中高齡生態解說志工活動涉入、地方依附與負責任環境行為關係之探討
- 一日型環境教育方案介入對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為之影響:以池南自然教育中心為例
- 地方依附在生態旅遊地管理上的意涵--以陽明山國家公園為例
- 懷舊情感、地方依附與負責任環境行為關係之研究--以鹿港老街遊客為例
- 地方依附、休閒涉入、滿意度對負責任環境行為之研究--以宜蘭縣羅東運動公園為例
- Evaluation of Place Attachment, Satisfaction, and Responsible Environmental Behaviors of Visitors to a Constructed Wetland on Campus
- 地方依附、環境態度與環境行為關係之研究
- 經濟再結構及其地方能動性的探討--以大鵬灣地區觀光開發計畫為例
- 博物館睦鄰方案滿意度與地方依附感之關係研究--以國立科學工藝博物館為例
第1筆 /總和 1 筆
/ 1 筆
題 名 | 比較環境體驗與傳統課室教學對國小中年級學童地方依附與負責任環境行為之影響:不同時間規畫的調節=The Comparison between Environmental Experience Teaching Method and Traditional Teaching Method Affecting Children's Place Attachment and Environmentally Responsible Behaviors: The Moderation of Different Time Planning |
作 者 | 曾啟銘; 汪靜明; | 書刊名 | 環境教育研究 |
卷 期 | 11:1 2015.06[民104.06] |
頁 次 | 頁31-66 |
分類號 | 528.7 |
關鍵詞 | 地方依附; 負責任環境行為; 傳統課室教學; 環境體驗教學; Place attachment; Environmentally responsible behavior; Traditional teaching method; Experiential teaching method; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在地的環境學習能正向增加學習者的地方情感與環境行為,許多研究證實,活動涉入是地方依附的前因,負責任環境行為是地方依附的後果。以前多著重在環境教育與地方感之關聯探究,少有針對環境教育方案實施對兒童地方依附及負責任環境行為的影響研究。此外,不同之環境教育教學方法及方案時間規畫等變數,對整體兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為交互影響探究也付之闕如。有鑑於此,本研究以台灣東部花蓮市某國小中年級兒童100人為研究對象,其中男性受試者48人,占48%。本研究利用準實驗研究,採等組前後測2(時間規劃:間斷/連續)X 2(教學方法:環境體驗教學/傳統課室教學)二因子受試者間實驗設計,並將抽樣的四個班級分派成四組。透過不同教學方法及時間規劃之環境教育方案實施,以問卷量表調查兒童的地方依附與負責任環境行為之變化。結果顯示:(1)環境體驗教學組的地方依附顯著高於傳統課室教學組;(2)不同教學方法對兒童負責任環境行為無顯著差異;(3)不同時間規劃對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為無顯著差異;(4)兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為在環境教育實施後,顯著高於實施前;(5)不論在時間連續或間斷情境下,環境體驗教學成效優於傳統課室教學;(6)兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為有顯著正相關。研究證實環境教育方案能正向影響兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為。 |
英文摘要 | This study illustrates how Environmental Education Program (EEP) influences Place Attachment (PA) and Environmentally Responsible Behavior (ERB) on children. The past research had shown that place-based education influenced students' sense of place and PA. Empirical studies have demonstrated significant correlations between PA and ERB, and confirmed that activity involvement and resource usage history are the antecedents of PA. ERB is the consequence of PA. The researchers thus infer the hypothesis that the implementation of EEP can increase PA of a child, thereby promoting ERB. Few studies focused on the effect of environmental education on children's PA and ERB. Therefore, this study adopted a 2 X 2 factorial design and a questionnaire to 100 elementary school children who attended an environment-based education program at Meiluen Shan Nature Park, Hualien County in eastern Taiwan. The results showed that (1) PA in experience teaching group is significantly higher than traditional classroom teaching group; (2) There is no significant difference in teaching methods on ERB of children; (3) There is no significant difference in time planning on children's PA and ERB; (4) Experiential teaching method is superior to traditional teaching method; (5) EEP can positively increase children's PA and ERB; (6) PA is significantly related to ERB. The results of this study support the use of EEP for improving PA and ERB and to guide the implementation of future programs. Further implications for environmental educators and formal educators are discussed. |