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題 名 | 就讓我們對彼此說:論陳育虹《索隱》中的獨白與對話=When Our Lips Speak Together: On the Monologues and Dialogues in "Trace-Metaphor" by Chen, Yu-Hong |
作 者 | 高維志; | 書刊名 | 臺灣詩學學刊 |
卷 期 | 24 2014.11[民103.11] |
頁 次 | 頁73-102 |
分類號 | 863.51 |
關鍵詞 | 陳育虹; 莎弗; 女詩人; 獨白; 對話; Chen Yu-Hong; Sappho; Poetess; Monologue; Dialogue; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 台灣女詩人陳育虹2004 年翻譯並對話於古希臘女詩人莎弗(Sappho, ca.630-580 B.C.)之殘篇,以〈索〉和〈隱〉交替穿插,交織著、翻譯著千百年前的莎弗詩抄,通過以月亮隱喻追躡千百年前已然佚失、僅存殘篇的莎弗詩抄,想像人類自文明起始就不停追問絮語綿綿的情愛和慾望主題。法國女性主義學者伊希嘉黑(Luce Irigaray)即曾以女性的生理結構為隱喻,從哲學和心理分析的解構轉向實驗性質的散文,呼告與實踐其女性的理論。援引其觀點,倘若詩中的意象、隱喻能夠作為一種「身體」,交互撫觸的指涉狀態中,會不會另有所感?《索隱》從獨白出發,意欲追求探究的〈索〉與企圖隱匿的〈隱〉,去來往返之間有如詩人自我的對話,又復涉入莎弗詩抄,令詩集的對話形式更為明確。詩集文字中「詩身體」的相互記憶、雜揉與撫觸,分別閱讀每一單篇之外,複合閱讀時,詩與詩之間除了有意象記憶上的交疊,並且相互於彼此的文字間,找到可以作為補充的其他隱喻和氛圍,去來往返間,產生一種閱讀上詩意的對話共感 |
英文摘要 | Taiwanese poetess Chen Yu-Hong, translated and dialogued the works of the ancient Greek poetess Sappho (Sappho, ca. 630-580 BC) in 2004. Chen, Yu-Hong translated and interweaved Sappho's poetry through "Trace-Metaphor", which had been written thousands of years ago but almost lost thousands of years ago and only remaining fragments left. Using moon as metaphor, Chen chase the image of Sappho's poetry, in order to compose of image "love" and "desire", the two endless theme asking by people from the emergence of human civilization. French feminist scholar, Luce Irigaray, who had a turning point from a philosophical and psychological deconstruction-analysis to an experimental prose in her writing, used women's physical structure as metaphor to summon and practice her feminism. Chen cite viewpoint of Luce Irigaray to ask if the poem's imagery, metaphor could be seen as "poetic-body", a signify-field which could be interactive touched, would be there more inter-textual meanings? "Trace-Metaphor" been written from the monologue, Chen intended to pursue the trace of inquiry and metaphor which was hidden. Chen makes the poems present explicit conversation through self-dialogue and complex-involving in Sappho's poetry. Body written in poems represents mutual memory, hybridity and touching. Whether reading these poems single by single, or reading in synthesized way, you will find not only overlapping images and memories in these poems, but also complementary metaphors and atmosphere, so that the process of reading will produce poetic resonance and dialogue |