題 名 | 臺灣國族與運動:一個後現代主義觀點的討論=Sport and Nationalism in Taiwan: A Perspective of Postmodernism |
作 者 | 姜穎; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 46:2 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁167-181 |
分類號 | 993.13 |
關鍵詞 | 運動社會學; 本土化; 局部決定論; Sociology of sport; Indigenization; Local determinism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文為一後現代主義視角的運動社會學論述,目的在於以後現代的多重觀點分析臺灣國族與運動(sport)的關係;關注臺灣社會在特殊歷史情境下所產製出的在地「國族主義與運動」現象。方法上,透過理論耙梳,辯證Foucault、Lyotard、Baudrillard、Jameson等人的後現代主義立場,晶析出當前後現代主義論述中高度強調差異,重視異議發散,反駁集體與集中化的特性。並以後現代論述中大敘事的崩解、「歷史遺忘症」(historical amnesia)等文化特徵與臺灣國族主義與運動構連。結果發現基於「多重殖民構造」,有別於西方,臺灣特殊的國族主義形式彰顯出的「後設敘事崩解」恰好符合後現代情境特徵。另外,運動做為一種象徵的戰爭形式,成為臺灣後現代情境下國族言說的重要場域。運動場上「青天白日滿地紅」國旗的國族象徵、詮釋乃至實踐破碎且歧異,旗幟(符徵)與所指涉的國族想像(符旨)間的連結不再是單一且鞏固的;媒體鼓動出「去歷史」的國族歡愉與亢奮;「歷史的遺忘症」在運動場域中發作。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this essay was to build an initiative argument of a postmodern perspective on the discussion of the relation between sport and nationalism in Taiwan. Furthermore, this essay avoided merely transplanting Western-centered arguments to Taiwan. Instead, the aim was to construct a contextual, political, and localized discussion. Methodologically, this essay built a theoretical debate between Michel Foucault, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard and Fredric Jameson. The results showed that Taiwan's nationalism is in a postmodern condition and thus resulting in a ”multi-colonized” history. The national identities of Taiwanese are ambiguous, varied and conflicting. Sport as a ”mimic warfare” has become an important site for nationalistic narratives. For Taiwanese, it is a field to display and practice this kind of postmodern nationalism. In the terrain of sports, the national flag of Taiwan and its implications, interpretations and praxises are fragmented and diverse. The flag as a signifier and its signified (nation) is no longer monolithic and stable. Along with mass media's manipulation of de-historicized national pleasure and effervescence, the national flag of Taiwan becomes multi-articulated symbol and just reflects the historical amnesia of Taiwan's nationalism. |