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題 名 | Biodiversity of the Epiphyllous Algae in a Chamaecyparis Forest of Northern Taiwan=北臺灣一檜木林之葉附生藻的多樣性 |
作 者 | 林敬舒; 林諭昕; 吳俊宗; | 書刊名 | Botanical Studies |
卷 期 | 53:4 2012.10[民101.10] |
頁 次 | 頁489-499 |
分類號 | 379.35 |
關鍵詞 | 鴛鴦湖; 檜木林; 葉附生藻; 生物多樣性; 環境因子; Biodiversity; Chamaecyparis; Environmental factor; Epiphyllous algae; Yuan-Yang Lake; Yellow cypress forest; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 檜木為台灣珍有林木,本研究首次研究位於鴛鴦湖檜木林之葉附生藻,從2008-2009年在林內採集樹葉和樹幹上之藻類樣本,經形態鑑定和分離培養,並以23S rDNA分析以鑑定藻種。結果發現,此森林中共計有Chloroidium saccharophilum, Ettlia pseudoalveolaris, Klebsormidium flaccidum, Prasiococcus calcarius, Rosenvingiella radicans和Trebouxia sp.等六種綠藻及一種藍綠菌Leptolyngbya sp.。在檜木葉上可發現C. saccharophilum, E. pseudoalveolaris, P. calcarius和R. radicans等四種綠藻。這些葉附生藻種均為首次在台灣被報導。在形態上,葉附生藻有五種為球狀,二種為絲狀,它們對所附生之植物的專一性程度不一。本文並探討濕度、酸性和光度等環境因子對這些葉附生藻的分布和族群大小之影響情形。 |
英文摘要 | Yellow cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana, is a relic species and one of the most important trees in Taiwan. This is the first study of the epiphyllous algae in a yellow cypress forest. The forest surrounding Yuan-Yang Lake (YYL) in northern Taiwan was chosen for this study. Algal samples collected from leaves and trunks were isolated and cultivated under laboratory conditions. The species were identified with the aid of 23S rDNA sequence analysis. Six species of green algae, including Chloroidium saccharophilum, Ettlia pseudoalveolaris, Klebsormidium flaccidum, Prasiococcus calcarius, Rosenvingiella radicans and Trebouxia sp., and one cyanobacterial species, Leptolyngbya sp., were identified in the forest. This is the first instance of any of them being reported in Taiwan. On yellow cypress leaves, four coccoid species, namely C. saccharophilum, E. pseudoalveolaris, P. calcarius, and R. radicans were found. On broadleaf trees, in contrast, both the filamentous species, Leptolyngbya sp. and K. flaccidum, and the coccoid species were identified. However, there is no strong host-specificity for these epiphyllous algae. The influence of environmental factors on the microhabitat, distribution and population size of epiphyllous algae in the forest is discussed here. |