- 動力圖融入科學學習強化技專學生問題解決技巧
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- Quantitative Problem Solving in Science: Cognitive Factors and Directions for Practice
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第1筆 /總和 1 筆
/ 1 筆
題 名 | 動力圖融入科學學習強化技專學生問題解決技巧=An Integrated Science Learning of Dynamic Figures for Improving College Students' Problem-Solving Skills |
作 者 | 蘇金豆; | 書刊名 | 技職教育期刊 |
卷 期 | 3 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-17 |
分類號 | 524.43 |
關鍵詞 | 酸鹼化學反應動力圖; 準實驗研究法; 問題解決; Acid and base chemical dynamic reaction figures; Quasi-experimental method; Problem-solving skills; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的旨在應用酸鹼化學反應動力圖做為教學工具,針對反應方程式中抽象且易造成概念迷思及誤解的離子與電荷轉移過程,進行融入式教學探討,研究對象為技專一年級選修化學課程兩班營建科學生共95 位。研究者運用準實驗研究法進行分組教學,以統計分析評量學生問題解決之學習成效和學習滿意度,並以半結構晤談質性分析了解學生學習觀感。研究結果顯示:(一)接受「酸鹼化學反應動力圖教學模組」策略之實驗組學生,後測成績明顯優於傳統講述教學之控制組學生。(二)實驗組學生在酸鹼化學課程學習後測成就皆較前測有明顯增加,顯示應用酸鹼化學反應動力圖進行問題解決,可增強學生學習成效且達大以上實驗效果。(三)對酸鹼化學課程喜好程度不同之實驗組學生,接受教學策略後,學習滿意度達顯著差異,且達大以上之實驗效果。(四)依據半結構式問卷訪談實驗組學生之結果分析,發現本研究所發展之酸鹼化學反應動力圖教材,在視覺上能吸引學生的好奇與興趣,改變其學習滿意度,掌握解題技巧,有助於建構學習。整體而言,學生對本教學策略持高度認同,足見此教學法深具學習意義。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study focuses on integrated tactics of chemical dynamic reaction figures. It deals with abstract conceptions of ions and charges transmissions for chemical reaction equations in “Acid and Base Chemistry” which often cause college students’misconception and misunderstanding. This study takes experimental samples from two groups, based on total number 95 tenth-grade college students. It integrates both quasi-experimental method and statistic analysis for learning achievements of problem-solving skills, satisfactory questionnaire, and semi-structure interviews.Our major results are indicated in the following aspects:(1) For experimental group students, who accept strategic applications of chemical dynamic reaction figures, have more superior posttests learning achievements to those of controlling group students.(2) Experimental group students who accept strategic applications of chemical dynamic reaction figures, have more significant and increasing learning achievements of posttest in acid and base chemical unit of problem-solving skills than those of their pretest. (3) For experimental group students, who have different dispositions of chemistry, show more significant learning performances and large effect sizes in Acid and Base Chemistry.(4) For experimental group students, who have different dispositions of chemistry, show more significant learning satisfactory attitudes and over large effect sizes in Acid and Base Chemistry.(5) According to semi-structure interviews between students and teachers, all chemical textual teachings of dynamic reaction figures have much appeal to students’ curiosity and interests which can enrich their learning satisfactory attitudes and reasoning skills, and construct their chemical concepts and informative learning.To sum up, students get much appealing and satisfactory learning attitudes of chemical dynamic reaction figures which can be both available and meaningful approach. |