題 名 | 南宋二張詞比較=Southern Song Dynasty Word of Two Zhang comparisons |
作 者 | 林麗心; | 書刊名 | 東吳中文線上學術論文 |
卷 期 | 16 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁43-63 |
分類號 | 821.9352 |
關鍵詞 | 愛國; 豪放; 張元幹; 靖康之難; 張孝祥; Patriotic; Bold; Zhang Yuangan; JINGKANG; Zhang Xiaoxiang; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 靖康之難是宋代史上的重大轉折點,這場變局對宋代文人的心態和思想造成強大的衝擊,同時也造就一批愛國激昂的詞人,如張元幹、岳飛、陸游、張孝祥、辛棄疾等人。北宋南渡是一個由昇平轉向戰亂的時代,在詞的創作上,顯然受到蘇軾「以詩為詞」的影響,並且有極大突破性的進展,形成一種創作趨勢,在詞史上,張元幹亦具有重要意義,他是一個開風氣的人物,而張孝祥是啟後影響南宋詞壇的辛棄疾。南渡初年,岳飛、胡銓、張元幹、張孝祥等人,承繼東坡,將恢復家國的壯懷,反抗權奸和撫時感事的憂思宣洩於詞裡。而在稼軒之前的愛國詞人,就以張元幹和張孝祥的成就最高,被推為「南宋初期詞壇的雙璧」。1在東坡卒後,稼軒成名之前,二人的豪放詞,數量較多,其藝術成就較高,日後能承蘇啟辛者,當推張元幹與張孝祥。本文以二張時代背景、二張詞風的比較異同,進而了解二張不同時期的生活環境因素,所演繹出二人不同詞作特色分析。 |
英文摘要 | The catastrophe of JINGKANG is a critical point in the history of Song and had a great impact on the attitudes as well as thinking of litterateurs in Song Dynasty, such as Zhang Yuangan,Yue Fei , Lu You, Zhang Xiaoxiang and Xin Qiji. There was a transition from prosperity to turmoil when the Northern Song Dynasty evaded to the south of mainland China. At the same time, there was a significant breakthrough of the style of poetic because of Su Shi who advocated the idea that "poetry as the word". These Song’s litterateurs reflected the disappointment to the vicissitudes and their aspirations to fight for their country in their creations. However,ZhangYuangan and Zhang Xiaoxiang have been regarded as the most important poets before the time of Xin Qiji because of the quantity of their poem and the achievements of art. Therefore, in this essay I would like to analys the difference between Zhang Yuangan’s and Zhang Xiaoxiang’s poem in the backgrounds of their lifetime in order to interpret how the living background played a crucial role in their creations. |