題 名 | 明治時期基督教徒的武士道論之類型與內涵=Types and Connotations of Christian Discussion on Bushido in the Meiji Period |
作 者 | 張崑將; | 書刊名 | 臺大文史哲學報 |
卷 期 | 75 2011.11[民100.11] |
頁 次 | 頁181-215 |
分類號 | 196.5 |
關鍵詞 | 基督教; 武士道; 內村鑑三; 海老名彈正; 新渡戶稻造; 植村正久; Christianity; Bushido; Ebina Danjo; Uemura Masahisa; Nitobe Inazō; Uchimura Kanzo; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文扣緊「基督教徒的武士道論」,藉由「基督教」與「武士道」兩個相關主題,分析其間的融合類型或方式,特別是針對跨越幕末與維新兩個新舊時代的基督教徒如海老名彈正、植村正久、新渡戶稻造、內村鑑三等四人進行分析,他們一方面作為普世精神的上帝信仰者,一方面又都具有舊武士的出身背景。本文先在第二節對其出身背景稍作介紹,發現明治維新初期的基督徒,多屬與維新政府對立之舊藩武士。接著在第三節對上述基督徒的「基督教武士道論」區分為「進化類型」、「接合類型」、「感化類型」與「養育類型」等四類型,並分析其觀點之特色。最後在結論中,提出這些基督教徒討論武士道的倫理時,不是有意忽略武士倫理的歷史脈絡,便是注入個人太多的宗教情感之問題,同時也常擺盪於「國家主義」與「國際主義」的緊張關係中。 |
英文摘要 | Focusing on the theme ”Christian discussion on Bushido,” this article analyzes types and strategies of integration between the targets of Christianity and Bushido. The analysis specifically addresses the Christians Ebina Danjo, Uemura Masahisa, Nitobe Inazō and Uchimura Kanzo, the symbolic figures of a generation spanning the two eras of Late Tokugawa Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration. The second portion of this study discusses their background, showing that, they are undoubtedly sincere believers in Christianity and its universalism in the early Meiji period, while being samurais from older domains who opposed the new Meiji government. In the third section, the author classifies the Christians' discussion of Bushido into four types-evolutional, jointed, assimilative, and parental-based on their different viewpoints and characteristics. Conclusively, these Christians intentionally overlooked historical context in their discussion on Bushido ethics and the problem that Christians may involve too much personal emotion in religion. At the same time, they were often torn by the tension between nationalism and internationalism. |