- 從臺灣博弈觀論〈賭鬼賦〉與〈擲骰子賦〉
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題 名 | 從臺灣博弈觀論〈賭鬼賦〉與〈擲骰子賦〉=From Taiwan Game View Discuss "Du Gui Fu" and "Zhi Tou Zi Fu" |
作 者 | 黃水雲; | 書刊名 | 中國文化大學中文學報 |
卷 期 | 23 2011.10[民100.10] |
頁 次 | 頁65-85 |
分類號 | 548.84 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 博弈觀; 賭鬼賦; 擲骰子賦; Taiwan; Game view; Du gui Fu; Zhi tou zi Fu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 博弈本為傳統遊藝的重要組成部分,然而商業的侵入往往以「博」掩蓋了「弈」棋的本質,傳統的古老智慧成了勝負輸贏的伎倆,高雅的弈棋娛樂始終不能排除賭博的成分,因此近代「博弈」的本質已無異於「賭博」。喜好賭博雖是世界民族的共通特性,但臺灣人之賭博性癖卻特別顯著,因此博弈賭風瀰漫,此時文人希冀賭徒能改邪歸正,莫不對好賭者加以口誅筆伐。30年代的《風月》、《南方》和《三六九小報》等多以戒賭之規勸方式行文,正是有識之士的共識。觀《全臺賦》收錄之〈賭鬼賦〉與〈擲骰子賦〉,正是臺灣日治時期賭風盛行下的創作,其內蘊諷諭勸賭之意,不僅增添了臺灣賦的題材,更明顯表現出臺灣人之博弈現象。因此本文擬從臺灣的博弈背景與博弈觀加以探究,深入論析〈賭鬼賦〉與〈擲骰子賦〉,藉以說明兩篇賦作於歷代博弈賦中,所呈現出的特殊時代內蘊。 |
英文摘要 | Games are traditional recreation important components, however the commercial invasion often by "gambling" cover "chess", the traditional ancient wisdom has become the victory and loss tricks, lofty played chess the entertainment not to be able to remove gambling ingredient throughout, therefore modern "games" the essence has been not different from "gambling".Although enjoying gambling is the world nationality's common characteristic, but gambling for Taiwan people specially is actually remarkable, therefore the gambling hobbies fills Taiwan, the writers hoped that the gamblers can turn a new leaf, none who does not denounces in words and in writings to liking gambles. The 30s "Love affair", "South" and "369 Tabloids" and so on. Many give up gambling the admonishment way issue documents, is precisely men of insight's mutual recognition. The "Du Gui Fu" and "Zhi Tou Zi Fu" of "The Whole Fu of Taiwan" not only increases the materials for the book but is sarcastic, which apparently represent the gambling perspective of Taiwan fus. Therefore this article plans from Taiwan's games phenomenon to discusses thoroughly analyzes , so as to explained the two fus, and further to explicate the meanings of game fus in history. |