題 名 | 飯店房務員肌骨不適/睡眠/生活品質之調查研究=Musculoskeletal Discomfort/Sleep Disorder/Quality of Life among Hotel Room Attendants |
作 者 | 全中妤; 余佳燕; 李中一; 陳志勇; 劉立文; | 書刊名 | 勞工安全衛生研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 19:3 2011.09[民100.09] |
頁 次 | 頁361-388 |
分類號 | 412.531 |
關鍵詞 | 飯店房務員; 肌肉骨骼不適; 睡眠障礙; 生活品質; Room attendant; Musculoskeletal discomfort; Sleep disorder; Quality of life; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese);英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 探討台灣飯店房務員肌肉骨骼不適、睡眠障礙及生活品質之盛行率。方法:本研究得30 家業者495位方便取樣協助,以橫斷性研究整合基本資料、「北歐肌肉骨骼症狀修正問卷」與「WHOQOL-BRIEF台灣版量表」進行訪查。結果:房務員「每月工作時數」大於200小時者,其脖子(52.4%)、上背(29.0%)與手肘(23.4%)有顯著肌肉骨骼不適盛行率(p < 0.05)。下班後需做家事者,上臂(27.9%)不適與不需者有顯著差異。每月工作時數>200 小時者出現「難以入睡」是<160小時的2.38倍,與「難以入睡」有顯著正相關的部位包括:脖子(odds ratio, OR=2.24)、腰(OR=1.58)、踝/足(OR=1.96),顯著負相關的則為大腿(OR=0.45)。年資6≥且<11年的「睡眠中斷」是<1年的2.05倍。隨著工作時數增加,「早醒」有顯著增加趨勢(β=0.006)。工作中有休息者較沒有休息者顯著不易「早醒」(OR=0.61)。房務員工作中沒有休息者,其生活品質(生理範疇)顯著較低(β= -0.44)。年資6≥且<11年及11≥且<16年有顯著較低的生活品質(社會範疇)(β= -0.94)。每月工作時數160≥且<180小時者有顯著較高的生活品質(環境範疇)(β= 0.63)。自述有脖子、踝/足、腰部位不適者,有明顯較低的生理、心理、環境和整體的生活品質。結論:飯店業者應重視房務員肌肉骨骼不適,以合理工作時間調配適當休息,解決其睡眠障礙,提升生活品質。關鍵詞: 飯店房務員、肌肉骨骼不適、睡眠障礙、生活品質民國100年1月14日收稿,民國100年5月12日修正,民國100年6月8日接受。通訊作者:全中妤,輔仁大學餐旅管理學系,電子郵件:002477@mail.fju.edu.tw。 |
英文摘要 | Abstract The purposes of this study were to explore the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD), sleep disorder, and the quality of life (QOL) among hotel room attendants. Four hundred and ninety-five convenient samples were obtained from 30 hotels in Taiwan. Method: Using cross-sectional research design, a structured questionnaire was designed from the Nordic Musculoskeletal Disorders questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BRIEF Taiwan version questionnaire. Result: Multivariate regression analysis revealed that “monthly work hours” was significantly associated with MSD at the neck, upper back, and elbow, and it was also significantly associated with both environmental domain QOL and odds of “difficulty in initiating sleep”(DIS). In addition, the “length of life-time employment” was significantly associated with leg and ankle discomfort, and it was also significantly associated with the QOL score of social domain. Moreover, “taking a break during work” was significantly and positively associated with physiological domain QOL, while “doing housework after work” was significantly and positively associated with upper arm discomfort. The attendants with neck discomfort were associated with a significantly higher risk for DIS (odds ratio (OR)=2.24) and “early morning waking”(EMA) (OR=2.01). Waist (OR=1.58) and ankle/foot (OR=1.96) discomfort were both significantly associated with higher odds of DIS. On the other hand, thigh discomfort was associated with a significantly reduced OR (0.45) of DIS, and the subjects with upper arm discomfort had significantly reduced OR of EMA (OR=0.49). The study participants with neck, waist, or ankle/foot discomfort all had significantly lower overall QOL. Conclusion: the restaurant / hotel industry should pay more attention to those room attendants’ MSDproblem. Through the appropriate arrangement of working hours and the provision of adequate rest, it can effectively reduce the occurrence of MSD and enhance their overall work-related QOL. |