- 一位愛滋病患初次發病之護理經驗
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題 名 | 一位愛滋病患初次發病之護理經驗=Nursing Experience of a HIV(+) Patient with Newly Onset of AIDS |
作 者 | 范倩華; 劉芳蓁; | 書刊名 | 源遠護理 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2011.05[民100.05] |
頁 次 | 頁66-75 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 愛滋病毒; 愛滋病; 護理經驗; Human immunodeficiency virus; HIV; AIDS; Nursing experience; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 愛滋病毒的感染,對患者而言無論是在生理、心理、社會都受到巨大的衝擊。在過去的自然病程調查中發現,愛滋病毒感染後會有3~10年的空窗期,大多數患者可能在感染後長達10年才發病成為愛滋病,由於治療上是耗時且棘手的,故常造成患者心理上的焦慮和無助。本篇探討一位十年前在當兵時意外檢驗出愛滋病毒陽性反應的患者,在沒有心裡準備的情況下突然發病,使個案造成心理焦慮及害怕。筆者於2009年3月16日至2009年4月8日照護期間,運用(Gorden)十一項健康功能型態評估,確立個案主要的護理問題為營養少於身體所需、無望感及個人因應能力改變等健康問題,護理過程中運用面談、觀察、傾聽、溝通的技巧,提供相關的正確訊息,引導個案坦然面對疾病過程,使其身心社會得到正向的適應。 |
英文摘要 | This article discusses the psychological experience of a veteran who tested positive with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) unexpectedly 10 years ago during his military service. HIV positive patients experience significant impact from physical, mental and social stress and consequently suffer from a high level of anxiety and a sense of helpless due to the complicated and tedious treatment process. The period between being tested HIV positive to the diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) takes 3 to 10 years. The author conducted a health function assessment and identified three major nursing problems: malnutrition, hopeless and lack of coping ability. Nursing activities included interview, observation, active listening, communication and patient teaching. During the 3-week period of care, the patient was able to show progress in accepting the disease process and a positive attitude toward life adjustment. |