題 名 | 花卉產業經營策略之研究--以南投縣埔里鎮玫瑰花產業為例=Research of Flower Industry Strategies--As an Example of Rose Industry in Puli Township, Nantou County |
作 者 | 張淑君; 張立宏; 張俊傑; | 書刊名 | 農民組織學刊 |
卷 期 | 15 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-76 |
分類號 | 482.9 |
關鍵詞 | 經營策略; 玫瑰花產業; 埔里鎮; Management strategies; The rose industry; Puli township; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 花卉產業在台灣擁有相當的開發潛力,但花卉產業的經營需要大量的資金,且目前國內花卉產業特性仍以傳統農產業為主體架構,相對於其他高科技產業之發展而言,其資源基礎與競爭優勢方面皆為較弱的一環,造成在貿易自由化競爭下壓力與日俱增。 本研究目的為分析南投縣埔里鎮玫瑰花產業環境現況及其經營方式,瞭解在目前之產業環境及經營方式下,埔里玫瑰花產業所產生之問題與機會及探討埔里鎮玫瑰花產業未來經營發展之方向。 本研究方法採用文獻研究法與深入訪談法。由於本研究所選定之區域不重疊,因此除了文獻研究法外,為了結合在實務經驗上的想法,亦以深度訪談方式,進行對花卉產業業者之調查,並於調查完成後,就所發現之文獻結果加以分析、比較。 埔里鎮玫瑰花產業目前必須先透過政府在政策面上的改善,強化現有農產業的基礎,才會對台灣目前的切花產業有助益。且在目前埔里玫瑰花產業獨特性不明顯且各組織間獨立運作的情況下,其事業及功能性策略並無法產生效益,進而對產業發展帶來影響。本研究認為要使埔里玫瑰花產業提升其效益,必須先改善目前玫瑰花產業的產業結構,使埔里地區的玫瑰花產業統整,使其產生集中化的效益,才能夠應用相關經營策略,並提昇整體經營效益。 最後,本研究發現在未來策略的發展方向中,應先設定埔里玫瑰花產業在發展上之目標,例如其產品組合、產業獨特性等,應藉由策略領導發展後,朝向預設目標進行改善,並藉由各組織間在功能性策略上的運用,將埔里玫瑰花產業串聯,形成企業化經營效益。 |
英文摘要 | The flower and plant industry in Taiwan has high potential to grow. However, huge funds are required to mange the flower and plant industry. And currently the flower and plant industry in Taiwan still features the main structure with traditional agriculture. Compared with the development of other high-tech industries, flower and plant industry’s resource foundation and competitive advantages are it weak links, which leads to the increasing pressure under the competition caused by trade liberation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current environmental status of the rose industry in Puli Town and the management methods used in this industry, in order to explore, in the current environment of the industry with the current management methods, the issues and opportunities in the rose industry in Puli Town and the future development direction for the management of the rose industry in Puli Town. Presently, the only way the rose industry in Puli Town can contribute to the cut flower industry in Taiwan is to enhance the current foundation of the agriculture through improvement in policies by the government. For the time being, under the circumstances in which the uniqueness of the rose industry in Puli Town is not clear and all the organizations are run independently, no benefits can be created by the business and functional strategies of the industry to bring influences to the development of the industry. This study believes that, in order to improve the benefits of the rose industry in Puli Town, it is necessary to improve the current industrial structure of the rose industry, so that all the units in the rose industry in Puli Town can be united with centralized benefits. This way, the related management strategies can be applied to make the industry stronger and to increase the overall benefits of management. This study discovers that, for the future development direction of strategies, the development goals for the rose industry in Puli Town, such as goals for product mix and unique features of the industry. After developing strategies for guidance, improvements should be made according to pre-set goals. Also, by using functional strategies among organizations, the units in the rose industry in Puli Town can be connected to each other to create benefits of enterprise management. |