題 名 | 陳明章與蔡振南臺語歌曲創作中之臺灣意識手法比較=Comparison of the Songwriting Styles of Chen Ming-Chang and Tsai Chen-Nan: Influences of Taiwanese Grass-Root Movements |
作 者 | 蘇稚蘋; | 書刊名 | 遠東學報 |
卷 期 | 27:4 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁409-420 |
分類號 | 913.6033 |
關鍵詞 | 陳明章; 蔡振南; 臺灣歌謠; 新臺語歌謠運動; 臺灣意象; Chen Ming-Chang; Tsai Chen-Nan; Taiwan folk songs; New Taiwanese folk song movement; Taiwan image; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 早期的台灣歌謠能忠實地記錄、反映當時的政治、社會、經濟與文化型態。從歌謠的演變可清楚地瞭解台灣政局的變遷及台灣地位在歷史上的演變,也因此,瞭解台灣歌謠的創作背景即等同於研讀一部台灣歷史。然在政治與文化環境的影響之下,歌謠承載生活記錄的功能已漸漸消逝,歌謠與流行歌曲的界線也變的模糊。直到80年代政府宣佈戒嚴,台灣社會從威權體制下轉型成為一個新興的民主國家,壓抑了幾十年的各種禁忌紛紛鬆綁,流行歌曲成為宣洩民意最佳的媒介。而台灣流行音樂文化也表現了幾項現代性的意涵,如:展現出一種強調反叛或自我認同的新世代存在美學、新音樂型態的創作,捕捉了當時人們面對社會變動的感想等等 在台灣民主化的歷程也有許多創作者詴圖以歌曲創作來表達民主化意涵的詮釋觀點,以歌曲來抒發對台灣的情感與台灣地位的矛盾角色。本文中所要討論的陳明章與蔡振南即是眾多這類作曲家中重要的兩位人物,兩位的作品中均傳達了對台灣濃厚的情感,但從創作題材、旋律、詮釋手法上及對台灣意象的觀點均有所差異。因此,本文將從台灣歌謠的簡史介紹開始,由新台語運動對台語流行歌謠的影響導入,分析兩位創作者的創作特色,並從作品中比較兩位台語歌曲創作中之台灣意識。 今日在外來文化風潮的引領下,新一代的台灣居民對於本身文化、藝術缺乏認識,甚至對於本身的台灣語言缺乏了解,因此,也寄望透過本文讓學生熟悉並重視台灣本土文化與意識。 |
英文摘要 | Early Taiwanese folk songs faithfully reflect the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of Taiwanese society. As such, understanding the historical background of how those songs were created can broaden our understanding of Taiwanese culture and history. However, with the passing of time, the Taiwanese folk songs appeared to lose their ground, and the line between folk songs and pop songs blurred. It is most likely due to the transition of the Taiwanese society from an authoritarian regime into democracy since the 80’s. In the sudden absence of cultural repression and taboos, pop songs became the preferred format for Taiwanese songwriters to express themselves. Thus, modern Taiwanese pop music represents the new Taiwanese generation: both rebellious and self-assured. It also reflects a new style of song writing and serves as snapshots of the ever-changing Taiwanese society. Ever since the 80’s, many songwriters expressed their views on democracy and their love for Taiwanese people and culture in their songs. This article focuses on two of the most important songwriters in this era: Chen Ming-chang, Tsai Chen-nan. Although both artists conveyed their strong feelings for Taiwan through their songs, the two songwriters chose distinctive topics, adopted different melodic styles, and interpreted divergent images of the New Taiwan. Therefore, this article begins with a brief history of the Taiwanese folk songs, followed by a discussion of the influence of Taiwanese language and grass-root movements to Taiwanese folk songs and in-depth analyses of the distinctive creative styles of the two artists. Nowadays under the heavy influence of Western culture, few Taiwanese youths understand Taiwanese culture, nor do they appreciate the beauty of Taiwanese art and language. Therefore, this article is written as a means to re-introduce Taiwanese grass-root culture to Taiwanese youths. |