- 以健康行爲模式探討中風患者對於遠距社區健康照護服務系統的利用行爲:以南臺灣某醫學中心爲例
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第1筆 /總和 1 筆
/ 1 筆
題 名 | 以健康行爲模式探討中風患者對於遠距社區健康照護服務系統的利用行爲:以南臺灣某醫學中心爲例=Stroke Patients' Use of a "Long-distance Community Health Care and Nursing Service System" Based on a Health Behavior Model: A Case Study of an Unnamed Medical Center in Southern Taiwan |
作 者 | 蒯光武; 簡怡光; 王偉如; 張榮參; 楊鳳月; 劉景寬; 郭散賢; | 書刊名 | 醫護科技期刊 |
卷 期 | 12:3 2010.09[民99.09] |
頁 次 | 頁223-238 |
分類號 | 419.71 |
關鍵詞 | 遠距社區健康照護服務系統; 中風患者; 健康行爲模式; Long-distance community health care nursing service System; Stroke patients; Health behavior model; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究的目的在於以Andersen健康行爲模式,分析南台灣某醫學中心之中風患者,對於「遠距社區健康照護服務」系統之利用行爲,做爲該系統後續行銷營運的參考。 方法:以該醫學中心102位居住在高雄市中風一年內的患者爲對象,採取問卷調查研究方法,針對問卷結果以ANOVA及多變項邏輯迴歸進行統計分析。 結果:前置、使能、需求因素,均會影響本研究中風患者醫療行爲之利用,此結果印證Andersen健康行爲模式。 結論:中風患者對於此項遠距照護服務系統的使用情況偏低,持續使用的誘因有待提升。根據研究結論,本文提出醫護行銷營運意涵,以及行銷對象與通路的建議。在資通科技匯流的今日,以家庭爲單位、結合社區醫療資源、網際網路和及時預警機制的「遠距社區健康照護服務系統」,將是長期照護的趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | Purposes: This study analyzes stroke patients' use of a "Long-distance Community Health Care Nursing Service System" provided by an unnamed Medical Center in Southern Taiwan using Andersen's health behavior model, and offers suggestions for this Medical Center to improve system marketing and operations. Methods: In total, 102 first-time stroke patients filled out the study questionnaire. Results: The major findings of this study support Andersen’s health behavior model in that predisposing, enabling and need factors impact the use behavior of stroke patients. Conclusions: Use of the service system by stroke patients is limited, and their need to use this system must be enhanced continually. Based on study results, suggestions for service system marketing and operation are proposed. Analytical results indicate that a family-based, community-oriented "Long-distance Community Health Care Nursing Service System," which offers monitoring information, can support long-term nursing care. |