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題 名 | 從知覺價值、滿意度的觀點探討澎湖海洋牧場之體驗品質與行為意圖的關係=Investigating the Relationship between Experience Quality and Behavioral Intentions in Penghu's Marine Prairies Based on the Viewpoints of Perceived Value and Satisfaction Level |
作 者 | 張良漢; 吳楠菁; 陳顯瑋; 陳俊宏; | 書刊名 | 休閒產業管理學刊 |
卷 期 | 3:2 2010.08[民99.08] |
頁 次 | 頁38-58 |
分類號 | 992.014 |
關鍵詞 | 體驗品質; 知覺價值; 滿意度; 行為意圖; 海洋牧場; Experience quality; Perceived value; Satisfaction level' behavioral intentions; Marine prairie; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來澎湖積極推動海洋觀光,而利用海上的箱網養殖設施發展成體驗式的遊憩活動,是澎湖將一級傳統產業轉型爲觀光休閒漁業的創新作爲,同時也讓遊客在從事海洋遊憩活動之餘,體驗澎湖在地漁民特有的生活文化。本研究以澎湖馬公菜園海域之海洋牧場爲研究範圍,採用問卷調查法,以便利取樣的方式蒐集研究樣本,研究對象是針對體驗海洋牧場之遊客,共獲有效樣本545份。透過結構方程模式(SEM)的統計技術,瞭解遊客在參與海洋牧場體驗活動後的體驗品質之感受、知覺價值、滿意度及其行爲意圖之間的因果意涵。研究結果發現體驗海洋牧場之遊客其體驗品質會透過滿意度而對行爲意圖造成影響,因此,可得知滿意度在整個因果模式中扮演著中介之角色。本研究獲得之結論:體驗海洋牧場之遊客其所感受的體驗品質愈高,則反映出的滿意度會愈強烈,進而有較高的行爲意圖。所以,提升體驗海洋牧場遊客之體驗品質,進而加強遊客之滿意度,爲促進行爲意圖之要領。因此,本研究結果所提供的相關資訊,期望可幫助業者瞭解遊客在體驗活動後的感受,並提出相關建議,作爲海洋牧場業者在經營管理上之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | Penghu is actively promoting the marine tourism in recent years, using the net cage facilities and developing them into experiential recreational activities are innovational deeds of transforming Penghu's primitive traditional industries into tourism recreational fishery, this also let tourists experience the local living culture of Penghu fishermen during their marine recreational activities. This study was conducted at the marine prairies in the Chai-Yuan sea area of Penghu, the empirical data was collected in convenience sampling method. The research object was the tourists who came to experience the marine prairie of Penghu, a total of 545 valid questionnaires were collected. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique, the cause-and-effect implications among the experience quality felt after participating experiential activities of marine prairie, perceived value, satisfaction level and behavioral intentions were investigated. The results indicated that the experience quality which marine prairie tourists experienced can indirectly affect their behavioral intentions through satisfaction level, therefore, satisfaction level mediates in the cause-and-effect model. Overall, the higher experience quality the tourists can feel, the satisfaction level will be higher, and they will have higher behavioral intentions. Therefore, upgrading experience quality of tourists who come to experience the marine prairie and then enhancing the tourists' satisfaction level are the main points of promoting tourists' behavioral intentions. It is hoped that the information from the research findings can help marine prairie managers understand how tourists feel after participating experiential activities, and recommendations were made for marine prairies operation and management. |