題 名 | 國外市場品牌行銷策略與績效:臺灣製造業之實證研究=Brand Marketing Strategy and Performance of Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms in the Foreign Market |
作 者 | 黃延聰; 陳頌德; | 書刊名 | 顧客滿意學刊 |
卷 期 | 6:2 2010.09[民99.09] |
頁 次 | 頁167-202 |
分類號 | 496.5 |
關鍵詞 | 品牌行銷策略; 策略群組; 品牌績效; 國際品牌建構; Brand marketing strategy; Brand performance; International branding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討臺灣製造業自有品牌廠商在特定國外市場的品牌行銷策略及其所採取的品牌行銷策略對其品牌績效與財務績效之影響。回顧過去品牌行銷策略的文獻後,採取行銷組合、目標行銷與品牌定位等做爲品牌行銷策略的構面,並依據品牌廠商在這些決策構面的表現,進行國外市場品牌行銷策略類型的分群,並探討其對品牌行銷績效的影響。藉由問卷調查法,本研究共蒐集了80家在國外市場進行品牌行銷的臺灣製造業廠商的資料進行分析,得到下列結論:(1)臺灣製造業在國外市場的品牌行銷策略可以分成積極行銷者、整合行銷者、價値與目標行銷者、以及行銷活動低重視者等四個群組,不同品牌行銷策略群組對於品牌績效有顯著的影響;(2)不同品牌行銷策略群組在產品類別上具有顯著的差異。積極行銷者廠商所提供產品大多屬於B2C類別,品牌績效也最佳;(3)積極行銷者與整合行銷者的廠商無論在公司規模與營收方面,或是在國際市場經營的時間長短方面,都優於其他群組的廠商,其較重視國際配銷與推廣策略,對當地市場也較爲瞭解,其品牌績效也較佳。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored international brand marketing strategies adopted by Taiwanese manufacturers that marketed own brand products to specific foreign markets and how these strategies affect these firms' brand performance and financial performance. In order to conduct this study, we reviewed the literature on brand marketing strategy to identify the key strategic dimensions, including marketing mix, target marketing, and brand positioning. According to the importance of these dimensions regarded by these firms' managers, we developed a taxonomy of brand marketing strategy adopted by Taiwanese manufacturers and discussed how they influenced firms' performance. Through mail survey, 80 effective samples of Taiwanese firms were collected. We obtained the following conclusions: (1) We proposed a taxonomy of brand marketing strategies which consists of Active Marketers, Integrated Marketers, Value and Target Marketers, and Low-attention Marketers, and then observed that different strategic types between firms affect their brand performance significantly. (2) We found that there is significant difference between strategic groups on product category. Among all strategic groups, the firms in the strategic group of Active Marketers mostly are B2C firms, and these firms' brand performance is the best. (3) For Active Marketers and Integrated Marketers, regardless of firm's scale and sales or the time firms operating in foreign markets, they are better than the others. Therefore, they more emphasize international distribution and promotion strategies and more understand the situations of foreign markets. Moreover, their performance is better. |