題 名 | 論「雙關」格之辨析=An Analysis of Pun |
作 者 | 魏聰祺; | 書刊名 | 臺中教育大學學報. 人文藝術類 |
卷 期 | 23:2 2009.12[民98.12] |
頁 次 | 頁63-85 |
分類號 | 802.7 |
關鍵詞 | 雙關; 仿擬; 別解; 借喻; 語境; Pun; Parody; Twist; Metaphor; Linguistic environment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「雙關」本身即是一種傳統的修辭格,說它是一種修辭方式或修辭技巧,應該都沒錯。但在辨析是否爲雙關時,則不能以傳統的角度去作判斷,而必須以語境呈現的結果爲依據,才能做出正確判別。 本文寫作之目的,即是從定義上、分類上、語境上及解讀上提出「雙關」格之辨析。 一、從定義上說:「雙關」是借助字詞語句中,有諧音或多義的條件,使一個字詞或語句同時兼有字面上和字面外的兩層意思。亦即這個定義本身即是強調呈現的結果必須「同時關顧到兩種事物或兼含兩種意義」,它必須在語境中同時兼有兩義,才是雙關;若只有一義,則不屬雙關。 二、從分類上說:雙關的分類,一般都是依媒介分,將它分爲諧音雙關、詞義雙關和句義雙關三類;但筆者發現這種分類法不易辨析雙關與其他辭格的關係。故本文改依方法分,可將具有雙關義的內容分爲「摹況手法形成的雙關」、「仿擬手法形成的雙關」、「別解手法形成的雙關」、「譬喻手法形成的雙關」、「藏詞手法形成的雙關」、「析字手法形成的雙關」、「鑲嵌手法形成的雙關」、「譬解手法形成的雙關」,這些方法的使用,有的有雙關義,有的沒有雙關義,則能輕易地比較其異同。 三、從語境上說:同一個詞句在不同的語境中,就可能成爲兩種不同的修辭格。 四、從解讀上說:同一文本,由於解讀角度不同,則可能歸入不同的辭格。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this article aims to engage in a discussion pertaining to pun in four scopes: The definition of pun, the classification of pun, the use of pun in different situations, and pun that is given different illuminations. First, Pun refers to two kinds of significant meanings that are concurrently relayed when it is used. If only one meaning is conveyed, this can not be counted as the use of pun. Second, pun is classified in this article in the following: "To copy the sound to form pun," "to use parody to form pun," "to twist the meaning to form pun," "to use metaphors to form pun," "to use cangci to form pun," "to analyze a Chinese character to see how it forms pun," and "to inlay certain Chinese words into phrases or paragraphs to see how it forms pun." The purpose of exploring the use of the classifications pertaining to pun is to help readers understand that some of the use of the classifications can lead to the formation of pun, and yet, sometimes, they can not. Third, the identical words or phrases that are used in different situations can result in the formation of different types of figures of speech. Fourth, an identical text is illuminated in different ways because of different viewpoints. This can result in the formation of different figures of speech. |