- 人權、法律、與社會學的觀照--加拿大『印地安寄宿學校和解協定書』與梅蒂斯族(Métis)之經驗檢討
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題 名 | 人權、法律、與社會學的觀照--加拿大『印地安寄宿學校和解協定書』與梅蒂斯族(Métis)之經驗檢討=Human Rights, Law and Sociological Approaches to Canada's Settlement Agreement on Residential Schools and the Métis Case |
作 者 | 朱柔若; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:1 2010.春[民99.春] |
頁 次 | 頁1-18 |
分類號 | 536.53、536.53 |
關鍵詞 | 梅蒂斯族; 寄宿學校; 原住民人權; 違反人權; 法律行動者; Métis; Residential school; Aboriginal rights; Human rights abuses; Legal actors; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 對普世人權價值的講求,隨著全球化的腳步,進入世界各個角落,迫使政府一方面針對國內外剝削勢力加以規範,另一方面對以往政權違反人權的行爲,向受害者致歉並進行救濟。在高舉人權至上的潮流底下,檢視剝削勢力的機制與實踐人權價值的行動,便在法律體系中交會。通常,法律在社會學家的眼中,既可是帶動社會變遷的因素,亦即引導社會變遷的自變項,也可是社會變遷所帶動的一項結果,亦即社會變遷的依變項。換句話說,任何一項法律的變遷不是社會變遷的因,就是社會變遷的果。然而,在高舉普世人權成爲全球化的趨勢之後,各國社會控制機制的執行者與司法體系的行動者,經常扮演著極爲關鍵的守門人與捍衛正義的角色。本文探討加拿大社會之法律行動者對於歷史上所存在的,透過寄宿學校之制度侵害梅帝斯原住民族人權的不正義行動,所展開的一連串救濟行動,及其引發加拿大政府的相關回應。 |
英文摘要 | Along with the footsteps of globalization, the emphasis of universal human rights is becoming active at each quoin of the world. It motivates the national government, on the one hand, to regulate the internal and external forces of exploitation; on the other hand, to address the human rights abuses of the former political power the behavior and to make an apology to the victims. In upholding universal human rights values, the mechanism to inspect the exploitative forces and the practices to implement human rights value meets each other in the legal system of framework. Usually from the perspective of the sociologist, law is not only the impetus to boost social change, but also the fruit born by it. In other words, law is the cause as well as the effect of social change. As upholding universal human rights values turns into a globalized trend, the actors in the judicial system in many countries have put on the role of gatekeepers to safeguard social fairness and justice. With a specific focus on the Métis experience, this article explores how the human rights violation in Canadian history by the forced introduction of European languages, cultures and values to aboriginal people to replace their own through the mechanism of government-funded church-run residential schools has been addressed and corrected by the legal actors and the federal government of Canada in the form of the settlement agreement. |