- 探討2006年世界盃足球賽不同洲別足球選手的年齡、體格與專長位置之研究
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題 名 | 探討2006年世界盃足球賽不同洲別足球選手的年齡、體格與專長位置之研究=Comparisons for the Difference of the Soccer Play's Athletics Ability by Analyzing Age, Height, Weight, and BMI of the Goalkeeper, Forward, Midfielder, and Defender from Four Continents in 2006 FIFA World Cup |
作 者 | 李昭憲; 陳欣宏; 楊燦; | 書刊名 | 屏東教大運動科學學刊 |
卷 期 | 5 2009.08[民98.08] |
頁 次 | 頁49-63 |
分類號 | 528.9012 |
關鍵詞 | 2006世界盃足球; 門將; 後衛; 前鋒; 中場; 體格指數; 2006 FIFA World Cup; Goalkeeper; Forward; Midfielder; Defender; BMI; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 舉世注目四年一度的世界盃足球賽,直到2006年為止共舉辦過18屆,是近百年來國際足壇的盛大賽事,依據奪冠紀錄顯示,世界足壇的舞台始終都由歐洲與南美洲地區之國家輪流扮演主要角色,為提供亞洲區國家提升足球水準之佐證參考,本研究將參與2006年世界盃足球賽球隊區分為來自四大洲,分別為歐洲(共14隊)、南美洲(共4隊)、非洲(共5隊)以及亞洲(共4隊),並以此27個國家的594名足球選手為研究對象,主要探討重點大致分為:(1)探討不同洲別選手在足球競技能力之表現,是否被年齡、身高、體重或體格等因素影響、以及(2)分析不同專長位置之選手於不同洲別問年齡、身高、體重或體格等因素之差異;並籍由統計方法單因子變異數分析方法(one-way ANOVA)、雙因子變異數分析方法(two-way ANOVA)來進行探討分析、以及薛費氏法(Scheffĕ's Method)進行多重事後比較。研究結果拉出,歐洲區選手具備與其他洲別選手不同的因素為年齡、身高與體重,而南美洲區選手與其他洲別選手不同的因素則為年齡以及體格,皆值得成為國家未來還才與發展足球運動之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | The most famous soccer's game, FIF A World Cup, had been practiced for each four years in the world, and been taken place 18 times until 2006. However, according to the records of FIFA World Cup, we found that the top teams were always coming from Europe and South America, but the teams from Asia had never gained a champion in FIFA World Cup. Therefore, in this study, in order to provide the evidence of reference for promoting the soccer level in Asia, we would collect the 594 soccer players as the study's samples, and they were belonged to 27 teams which were coming from four continents (Europe, South America, Asia and Africa) in 2006 FIFA World Cup; besides there were 14 teams from Europe, 4 teams from South America, 4 teams from Asia and 5 teams from Africa. The first main purpose in this study was to analyze the difference of athletics ability of the soccer players in different four continents by comparing their age, height, weight, and BMI. For the second main purpose in this study, we tried to find the evidence of the difference of the soccer player's athletics ability in four continents by analyzing age, height, weight, and BMI of the Goalkeeper, Forward, Midfielder, and Defender. Though these statistical methods, one-way and two-way ANOV A and Scheffé's Method, we found the advantageous factors form the soccer players from Europe and/or South America, and they would be affected their athletics ability and performance in soccer. The more detail results and conclusions would be displayed later in this paper. From those results and conclusions, we expected that it was enough to provide the information for promoting the soccer player's athletics ability in Asia, and for evaluating the soccer players to organize a team, or as the reference for the related research. |