- 施灌經厭氧發酵糞尿廢水對狼尾草生長及牧草地土壤與滲漏水性質之影響
- 施灌厭氣發酵豬糞尿廢水對尼羅草生長、牧草地土壤及滲漏水之影響
- 施用牛糞及豬糞堆肥對狼尾草產量、品質及土壤地力之影響
- 中耕培土及切頭處理對狼尾草生長之影響
- 養牛場廢水施灌狼尾草對牧草產量品質及土壤性質之影響
- Effects of Cattle and Hog Manures on Forage Yield and Quality of Napiergrass
- 牧地更新對牧草產量與土壤理化性質之影響
- 長期施用牛糞及豬糞堆肥後殘餘效應對狼尾草產量、品質及土壤地力之影響
- 施用牛糞及豬糞對盤固草產量品質及土壤地力之影響
- 紫色狼尾草與狼尾草臺畜草二號牧草產量及品質之比較(1)--生育週數及收刈時間的影響
題 名 | 施灌經厭氧發酵糞尿廢水對狼尾草生長及牧草地土壤與滲漏水性質之影響=Effects of Irritation of Pig Waste Water with Anaerobic Fermentation on the Growth of Napiergrass and Properties of Pasture Soil and Leaching Water |
作 者 | 盧啟信; 許福星; | 書刊名 | 作物、環境與生物資訊 |
卷 期 | 6:2 2009.06[民98.06] |
頁 次 | 頁113-123 |
分類號 | 434.4 |
關鍵詞 | 狼尾草; 豬糞尿廢水; 牧草產量; 土壤; 滲漏水; Napiergrass; Pig waste water; Forage yield; Soil; Leaching water; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 本試驗的目的旨在探討經厭氣發酵後之 豬糞尿廢水施灌於狼尾草地,對牧草產量、 品質及土壤與土層滲漏水之影響。本試驗於 狼尾草臺畜草二號牧草地,每年灌施相當每 公頃400、800、1,200 及1,600 kg 氮素經厭 氣處理之豬糞尿廢水。結果顯示,1 m 深之 滲漏水全氮、銨態氮、硝酸態氮及溶磷等含 量,隨著廢水施灌量的增加而有提高的現 象。試驗區表土之有機質、全氮及導電度等 均顯著增加,而有效性磷、交換性鉀、鈣及 鎂等含量及pH 值有增加的趨勢,但未達顯 著差異。狼尾草高度及鮮、乾草產量均隨著 廢水施用量增加而提高,施用廢水處理之產 量均較施用化學肥料高。灌施廢水處理之植 體中粗蛋白質、銨態氮及硝酸態氮等含量隨 著廢水施用量的增加而提高。寒冷季節如施 用相當1,200 kg 氮素以上之畜牧廢水,植體 中無機氮的含量可能超過1,000 ppm,對動 物健康不利,夏季則無此顧慮。由上述結果 可知,厭氣發酵後豬糞尿廢水施灌於狼尾草 地,有助於提高狼尾草產量及改善土壤地 力。但若長期大量施灌時,則必須長期監測 植體中無機氮的含量及地下水之品質。 |
英文摘要 | ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to study the effects of irrigation of pig waste water with anaerobic fermentation on forage yield and quality of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpurem) and the properties of soil and leaching water. The quantity of waste water irrigated were equivalent to 400, 800, 1,200 and 1,600 kg N ha-1 yr-1, respectively. The treatments increased the concentrations of total N, NH4+, NO3- and dissolved P in leaching water collected at 1 m depth. The contents of organic matter, total N and electric conductivity in surface soil increased significantly with the waste water treatments. However, no significant difference was observed in soil pH and the contents of available P and exchangeable K, Ca and Mg in soil treated with different amounts of waste water. The forage yield and the contents of crude protein, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the plants were increased by the irrigation treatments. When irrigated with the waste water equivalent to 1,200 kg N ha-1 yr-1, he content of inorganic N in plants grown in cold season, but not in hot summer, exceeded 1,000 ppm. Based on these results, application of pig waste water with anaerobic fermentation in napiergrass pasture increased forage yield and improved soil fertility. However, the content of inorganic N in napiergrass and the quality of leaching water from soil layers should be monitored after long-term irrigation with pig waste water. |