題 名 | 北宜高速公路通車前後經濟效益之差異性分析--以宜蘭縣休閒農業為例=A Difference Analysis on the Economic Benefits before and after the Opening of Taipei-Ilan Freeway--An Example from the Leisure Agriculture in Ilan County |
作 者 | 陳凱俐; 李玉玲; 林豐政; | 書刊名 | 宜蘭大學生物資源學刊 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁79-90 |
分類號 | 431.2 |
關鍵詞 | 北宜高速公路; 休閒農業; 經濟效益; 差異性分析; Taipei-Ilan freeway; Leisure agriculture; Economic benefit; Difference analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 北宜高速公路通車對宜蘭縣觀光相關產業究竟是正面或是負面影響,眾說紛紜;財政部國稅局宜蘭分局的資料顯示,通車前營業稅逐年遞減,在通車後則出現逆轉,成長0.5%,但旅館及民宿業卻頻頻抱怨住房率大幅下降。從種種數據可得知,北宜高的通車前後,的確為宜蘭觀光產業帶來改變。而休閒農業一直是宜蘭觀光產業中重要的一環,因此本研究以休閒農業為例,探討北宜高速公路通車前(2004-2006年)及通車後(2007年)在經濟效益上的變動情形,並以兩獨立群體比例差分別檢定通車後遊客在休閒農業場所內以及非宜蘭遊客在宜蘭縣內住宿與其他花費之消費比例是否具明顯改變,同時亦以非獨立樣本比率數的卡方檢定(McNemar或Symmetry檢定),驗證通車後消費行為是否具明顯改變。研究結果顯示,2004-2007年間每年遊客人數的成長呈遞增;在貨幣收益方面,休閒農業場所內僅2005年微幅下降,大多呈現成長(2005年下降1.72%、2006年上升72.62%、2007年上升40.34%);在遊憩效益方面,雖然2004年至2007年在休閒農業場所內呈現成長(分別上升15.56%、46.01%、3.77%),但進一步比較平均每位遊客的遊憩效益,發現僅2005年呈現成長(14.37%),2006及2007年皆為微幅下降(3.28%、7.62%)。而在遊客旅遊支出行為方面,在顯著水準0.05下,「特產及紀念品」的支出比例,通車後(45.18%)明顯高於通車前(31.60%);「餐飲」的支出比例,通車後(23.65%)明顯低於通車前(30.32%)。此外,本研究於2007年問卷中增加了北宜高通車前後預期與實際行為的調查,根據研究結果顯示,在顯著水準0.05下,北宜高速公路通車前後的各項消費行為皆具有明顯的改變。根據以上的研究結果,可釐清北宜高速公路通車後對宜蘭觀光相關產業的影響,提供政府在推動產業政策上參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | Opinions are widely divided between whether the opening of the Taipei-Ilan Freeway to traffic renders negative or positive effects on the leisure industry in Ilan County. The information from the Ilan Branch Bureau of the National Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance shows that the sales tax before opening to traffic decreases yearly but after the opening, a 0.5% growth is regained. However, hotels and private house lodging operators complain frequently that the lodging rate declines in a large scale. Overall, the opening of Taipei-Ilan Freeway does bring changes to the leisure industry in Ilan. Since leisure agriculture plays an important roll in Ilan's leisure industry, it was used as an example to explore the economic benefit changes before (2004-2006) and after (2007) the opening of the Freeway. Tests were conducted on the difference between the percentage change of the two independent groups on whether there is significant change on the spending ratio of tourists in the leisure farm and tourist lodging inside Ilan County and other expenditure, and on whether there is significant change on the expenditure behavior of tourists based on Chi-square test of non-independent sample percentage (McNemar or Symmetry test). The result shows that from 2004 to 2007, number of tourists increases progressively every year and also the monetary benefit, except a slight drop in 2005 in leisure farm (fall by 1.72% in 2005, rise by 72.62% in 2006 and rise by 40.34% in 2007). In the aspect of recreational benefit, there was growth in the period from 2004 to 2007 (15.56%, 46.01%, and 3.77%, respectively), yet by conducting further comparison on the average recreational benefit of each tourist reveals that 2005 was the only year which the benefit did grow (14.37%) and the other two years perform slight drops (3.28% in 2006, and 7.62% in 2007). In the aspect of tourist expenditure, under the significant level α=5%, the expenditure ratio of ”special product of the area and souvenirs” after the opening is obviously higher (45.18%) than before the opening (31.60%); the ratio of ”food and drink” after the opening is obviously lower (23.65%) than before the opening (30.32%). Finally, in the 2007 questionnaire of this research, questions were added in survey on the expected and actual behaviors before and after the opening of the freeway. Results indicate that under the significant level of α=5%, various consumer behavior before and after the opening of the freeway are of significant difference. Results from this research clearly reveal the effect on leisure industries in Ilan after the Taipei-Ilan Freeway opened to traffic and can provide the government references while implementing the industry policy. |