題 名 | 價格意識、品牌意識與熟悉度對商店品牌購買意願之影響=The Effects of Price Consciousness, Brand Consciousness and Familiarity on Store Brand Purchase Intention |
作 者 | 李奇勳; | 書刊名 | 管理評論 |
卷 期 | 27:3 2008.07[民97.07] |
頁 次 | 頁21-40 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 價格意識; 品牌意識; 商店品牌熟悉度; 功能風險; 社會風險; Price consciousness; Brand consciousness; Store brand familiarity; Performance risk; Social risk; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 商店品牌的發展在西方國家已有一段時間,國內在大型連鎖通路商的帶領下,也日益蓬勃。但因商店品牌商品的價格低廉,品牌形象和知名度並不高,所以其品質普遍被認為不如全國性的品牌。因此了解影響消費者商店品牌購買意願的因素便成為業者重要的課題。 本研究自消費者利用外部線索的觀點切入,探討消費者的價格意識、品牌意識和商店品牌熟悉度,如何透過功能風險和社會風險的聯結,進而影響商店品牌的傾向,並以「家樂福」的消費者為驗證的對象。研究結果發現:(1)商店品牌熟悉度對消費者商店品牌的購買意願影響最大,(2)價格意識愈高,商店品牌的購買意願也愈高,(3)品牌意識對商店品牌購買意願沒有直接的影響,而是透過知覺風險產生間接影響,(4)功能風險和社會風險會抑制消費者商店品牌的購買意願,且功能風險的影響大於社會風險。本研究並根據研究發現,提出相關的建議供商店品牌的業者參考。 |
英文摘要 | Store brands have been developing for a period of time in western countries and are getting popular, following the lead of large-scale chain warehouse, domestically. However, due to the low price, brand image and popularity, the quality of store brand products is thought to be inferior to that of national brand products. Therefore, it is very important for manufacturers to understand the factor influencing store brand purchase intention. The study, from the viewpoint of extrinsic cues used by consumers, taking the consumers of Carrefour as samples, examines the way that price consciousness, brand consciousness, and brand familiarity influence store brand purchase intention through the connection of performance risk and social risk. Results show that (1) store brand familiarity influences consumer's store brand proneness the most; (2) the higher the price consciousness is, the higher the purchase intention of store brands is; (3) there is no direct influence on store brand purchase intention from brand consciousness and (4) performance risk and social risk depress consumer's store brand purchase intention. Moreover, the influence of performance risk is greater than that of social risk. Based on the results this study will provide related suggestions to both stores brand and national brand marketers. |