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題 名 | 交互教學歷程中學生錯誤發問類型及教師鷹架建構之研究=A Study of Students' Wrong Questioning Types and Teacher's Scaffoldings in Reciprocal Teaching Process |
作 者 | 許淑玫; | 書刊名 | 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁73-95 |
分類號 | 521.429 |
關鍵詞 | 交互教學; 發問類型; 閱讀策略; 鷹架; Reciprocal teaching; Questioning type; Reading strategy; Scaffolding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討交互教學歷程中,學生在發問策略學習上,所出現的錯誤發問類型及教師鷹架之情形。研究者採取行動研究方式,以國小三年級六個學生所組成之閱讀小組爲參與對象,主要透過錄音、錄影、札記書寫與討論等方式蒐集責料,分析歸納後發現結果如下:(一)學生所經驗的錯誤發問類型有四,分別是:句構不完整的問題、題幹錯置的問題、主詞模糊的問題以及多重題幹的問題。深入究之,上述四類錯誤題型主要環繞著「句構」與「題幹」二者。(二)研究者針對學生錯誤發問類型提供的鷹架頗爲多元,普遍透過口語和對話形式呈現。依其鷹架功能區分爲五大類,包括(l)以指名回應、邀請補充等鼓勵學生參與;(2)利用講解及示範將策略外顯化;(3)透過具象化題幹、判斷題幹/句構以及肢體模擬等協助學生理解句構與題幹;(4)經由指示、提示、限定題幹和活動細步化等降低學生的認知負荷;以及(5)透過質疑、口語讚美、修正和困境描述等提供學習回饋。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study are to explore students' wrong questioning types and teachers' scaffolding methods in reciprocal teaching. In an elementary school, six third-graders were selected to be participants in this study. The teacher researcher conducted a reciprocal teaching approach as the reading strategy during the reading instructions in this study. Data were collected by tape-and video-recording, journal writing as well as discussion. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Four wrong questioning types were found when students were raising questions in reciprocal teaching (process): (1) Incomplete-sentence: Students used incomplete sentences to ask questions after reading the text. (2) Wrong position of question stems: Students applied wrong question stems to raise questions. (3) Ambiguous subjects: Students generated some questions with ambiguous subjects. (4) Multiple question stems: Students used multiple question stems to ask questions. All these four wrong question types can be concluded into two foci: sentence structures and question stems. 2. To help students understand and correct wrong questioning types, the teacher researcher applied different scaffolding methods which were presented mainly in oral interactions or dialogues. The scaffoldings were summarized into five categories, including encouragement for participation, externalization of strategic skills, comprehension of sentence structure and question stems, reduction in workload and providing learning feedback. |