題 名 | 涉外與涉陸收養準據法之研究=International and Interregional Conflict of Laws in the Adoption of Children |
作 者 | 陳榮傳; | 書刊名 | 臺北大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 66 2008.06[民97.06] |
頁 次 | 頁139-181 |
分類號 | 579.92 |
關鍵詞 | 國際收養; 跨國收養; 涉陸收養; 準據法; 反致; 國際管轄權; International adoption; Intercountry adoption; Adoption with Mainland Chinese element; Applicable law; Renvoi; International jurisdiction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 關於收養的成立、終止及效力問題,各國法律的規定仍不一致,故涉外收養仍發生應依何國法律決定其爭議的問題。本文先從比較國際私法角度,觀察涉外收養問題的規範模式,再探討我國涉外民事法律適用法第18條適用上的問題,除條文中「收養」、「收養之成立」、「本國法」、「收養之效力」等用詞的意義之外,也討論實務上相關的反致、管轄法院、外國法院收養裁判之承認等問題。在涉陸收養方要,本文討論兩岸條例第56條的衝突規則及第65條的嚴格實體標準,發現最高法院最近的裁定,已宣示兩岸條例的衝突規則具強行性,及大陸法律內容的認定不應徒重形式,此等見解甚具意義。最後本文探討海牙國際私法會議1993年通過的跨國收養公約,發現其倡議各國以國際合作的方式,共同保護未成年人之最佳利益的原則,對於仍藉助國際私法的規定,以並行適用相關國家法律解決相關問題的我國而言,具有啟示意義。 |
英文摘要 | The laws of adoption in the world are now still different from country to country on its requirements, effects and termination. It is therefore necessary for the courts to solve the related problems in cases of adoption with foreign elements by applying conflict-of-laws rules. The purpose of this article is to describe the choice-of-law (or conflict-of-laws) and related problems in international or intercountry adoption cases as well as the adoption cases with both Taiwanese and Chinese elements. It starts with surveying the conflicts rules on the comparative law basis. The problems around Article 18 of Taiwan's Act on the Application of Law in Civil Matters with Foreign Elements, including the meanings of words in its sentences, renvoi, jurisdiction and foreign judgments are thoroughly discussed as the main subjects. The provisions on adoption in the Statute on the Relationships of People in Taiwan and Mainland China also calls this author's attention. As the judicial practice of the ROC Supreme Court indicates, the enforcement of the provisions and application of Mainland Chinese law are still to be improved. Before concluding with general remarks, Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption of 1993 is briefly introduced to signify that the best interests of children can be protected through cooperation between countries. |