題 名 | 2004年臺灣總統大選傳統媒體、公眾與網路討論議題之關聯分析=Correlational Analysis of Agenda-Setting Processes among Traditional, Internet and Public Agendas in Taiwan's 2004 Presidential Election |
作 者 | 左宗宏; | 書刊名 | 傳播與管理研究 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2008.01[民97.01] |
頁 次 | 頁73-106 |
分類號 | 541.83 |
關鍵詞 | 民意; 電子佈告欄; 總統選舉; 議題設定; Agenda-setting; Internet; Presidential election; Public opinion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以議題設定理論中之第一面向為研究架構,探究並釐清傳統媒體、網路媒體與公眾議題三者之間的交互關係與不同議題之顯著性差異,除了分析比較傳統媒體使用者與網路電子佈告欄使用者對於選舉議題的關心程度之差異外,研究者亦欲豐富「議題設定」理論在媒體互動影響(inter-media agenda-setting)的解釋內涵。研究結果顯示一般公眾關心的議題前五名分別是治安、經濟發展或失業、兩岸關係、政治安定、司法改革;報紙議題報導量最多的前五名則為公投、特權關說舞弊、行政貪污、兩岸關係、外交或國際地位;至於在網路上討論最多的前五項議題則是公投、金權政治、特權關說、臺灣前途、政治安定。由此觀之,傳統平面媒體與互動網路媒體之間的議題設定功能,較之過去議題設定理論所強調之「報紙議題報導會影響選民對於議題重要性之認知」,更為明顯。 |
英文摘要 | Based on agenda-setting theory, purpose of this study is to explore the three-way relationships among traditional media, the Internet, and the public agenda. A national telephone survey was conducted two weeks prior to the election day to understand if voters' perceptions of importance of various issues were positively correlated with amount of media stories and the discussion messages. The findings indicated that amount of on-line discussion messages were significantly correlated with that of newspapers coverage. Salience of discussion messages on the electronic bulletin boards corresponded with that of public agenda as well. Besides, a positive correlation was found between amount of issues covered by three newspapers and that of the Internet discussion messages. |