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題 名 | “誰似儂家疏曠”--孫光憲風物詞析論=Description of Endemic Customs in Sun Guangxian's Ci |
作 者 | 孫賽珠; | 書刊名 | 人文中國學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2007.09[民96.09] |
頁 次 | 頁371-407 |
分類號 | 821.9342 |
關鍵詞 | 孫光憲; 風物詞; 花間集; 尊前集; 唐五代詞; Sun Guangxian; Description of endemic customs; Hua Jian Ji; Zun Qian Ji; Five Dynasties Ci; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 孫光憲(公元895?-968)是五代荊南詞人,其傳世的八十四首詞作,分別載於五代後蜀趙崇祚編的《花間集》和宋人所輯的《尊前集》中。雖然《花間集》、《尊前集》,皆以花間尊前的閨怨內容為主調,孫光憲詞的題材內容卻十分廣泛,為其他花間、尊前詞人所不及。舉凡閨怨、風物、邊塞、詠史、懷人、送別等題材,皆可於孫詞找到。孫氏這些詞作程現一種共同的創作風格:疏曠、剛健。種男子氣概,置諸以抒寫歌妓抑鬱之情為主調的《花間集》、《尊前集》中,呈現著一種異於花間、尊前詞人婉約的格調。鑒於歷來有關唐五代詞、《花間集》、《尊前集》的研究,往往只著眼於溫庭筠、韋莊、李煜、馮延已幾家,即使間有學者注意孫光憲詞,大多將之歸入韋莊清淡一派泛泛而論,或只就某一首詞作闡釋,未能全面地展現孫詞廣乏的題材內容、剛健疏淡的藝術風格,也忽視孫詞在晚唐五代詞壇上的價值和地位。故本文集中討論《花間集》中孫光憲風物詞的特色。在他傳世的八十四首詞中,直接或間接涉及風物描寫的有二十五首,約占總數的三分之一;在以閨怨情愛為主調的《花間集》中,別成一調。探討孫光憲風物詞的特色,對孫光憲詞的整體性研究有莫大的幫助,而其《漁歌子》中“誰似儂家疏曠”一句,正好用以總結孫詞、特別是風物詞的具體風格。 |
英文摘要 | Sun Guangxian (895?-968) was an important writer of ci, or lyric songs, in the Five Dynasties (907-979). His extant lyric songs, amounting to 84 pieces, are included in two collections, Hua Jian Ji and the Zun Qian Ji. Unlike the main theme of the works in these two collections, which is about the sentiments of abandoned and neglected women, the topics of Sun’s works show great variety. These topics, including poignancy in the expression of love and separation, description of endemic customs, village’s landscape, and the feelings of nostalgia, are more diversified than those of other writers’ works. Two different styles can be found in Sun’s ci : imitating in feminine identity, and directly expressing in his own gender. The masculine style is seldom found in the lyric song of the Five Dynasties. The past researches of Hua Jian Ji and Zun Qian Ji usually focused on the most famous lyric song writers like Wen Tingyun (812?-866) or Wei Zhuang (836?-910), while Sun has been seldom noticed. The description of endemic customs in Sun Guangxian’s Ci, therefore, sheds light on the unique style of this lyric songs and demonstrates its literary significance among other five dynasties’ writers, not only in topic, but also the masculine style. |