題 名 | 社區防災推動之探討--以「社區防救災總體營造計畫」為例=The Promotion of Disaster Resilient Community: The Case of the Integrated Communicy-Based Disaster Management Program |
作 者 | 吳杰穎; 康良宇; | 書刊名 | 社區發展季刊 |
卷 期 | 116 2007.05[民96.05] |
頁 次 | 頁213-231 |
分類號 | 548.31 |
關鍵詞 | 社區防災; 社區防救災總體營造計畫; 社區參與; 專業團隊; Disaster resilient community; Integrated community-based disaster management; CBDM; Community participation; Professional teams; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來天然災害日益頻繁,以社區為基礎的災害管理工作逐漸受到重視。2002年行政院災害防救委員會與921震災災後重建推動委員會,共同實施1年「社區防救災總體營造計畫」,並藉由專業團隊的協助,嘗試大量推動國內土石流、洪泛潛勢地區社區防災之工作。4年後的今天,是檢視防災社區運作情形之極佳時機。因此,本研究透過深度訪談的方式,來對該計畫之10個案例社區,進行在防災社區運作、專業組織協力、以及政府軟硬體援助等議題作深入之探討。 本研究發現目前實施社區普遍因產業發展、防災社區組織經營不良等問題而陷入了困境。專業團隊本身也受限於學術研究價值及政府經費援助等因素,於「社區防救災總體營造計畫」實施結束後,均中斷了後續推動協助。此外,專業團隊防災教育內容,以及政府所推動的防災社區政策,過於著重災害整備與災時應變向度。 |
英文摘要 | “Community”has become a key issue in disaster management in Taiwan recently due to frequent disasters. The Executive Yuan developed the “Integrated Community-Based Disaster Management”program (CBDM) in 2002 to enhance community resident's knowledge and skills to protect from hazardous environment through professional teams. After four years, it is a good time to review the consequence of CBDM. This study uses depth interviews as study method to analyze some issues, such as the promotion of the operational mechanism of the resilient communities, the action of disaster management approach, the roles of the professional teams, and the assistance from the governments. This study finds that many of the CBDM communities stop promoting disaster resilient community because of improper industrial development. Professional teams also suspended their helps to the communities due to lack of research interests or project funding. Moreover, this study also finds the promotion of CBDM over emphasizes on disaster response and hazard preparedness. |