題 名 | 論北宋孫復、劉敞與孫覺對《春秋》中「諸侯奔」的詮解=The Seigneurs Who Leave the Country: A Comparison of the Interpretations of Sun Fu, Liu Chang, and Sun Jue |
作 者 | 劉德明; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 25:1=50 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁221-246 |
分類號 | 095 |
關鍵詞 | 春秋; 諸侯; 經學; 孫復; 劉敞; 孫覺; Chunqiu; Seigneurs; Confucian classics; Sun Fu; Liu Chang; Sun Jue; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《春秋》中有大量出奔的記載,其身分有天子、諸侯與大夫,這代表在這時代社會的快速變遷,現今研究者亦多從歷史社會的角度加以解讀說明春秋時期此一巨變的社會意義。但是《春秋》在儒家眼中不僅是一條條歷史的記載而已,其間更包含了孔子所欲傳達之「大義」。本文試圖透過三傳與北宋仁宗、英宗時期之孫復、劉敞與孫覺三人對《春秋》所記諸侯出奔詮解的對比,一方面找尋孔子之「大義」,另一方面則可反省詮解《春秋》經之解經方法問題。 |
英文摘要 | The Chunqiu 春秋 (Spring and Autumn Annals) documents in many places the flight from the country of the Emperor, seigneurs, and governmental officials. While the meaning and impact of the seigneurs fleeing the country has been addressed mainly in terms of historical and social changes, the question of how Confucian scholars have interpreted these flights, and whether they viewed them as righteous choices, has yet to be studied. This paper will compare the interpretations of such flights of seigneurs by three important Song Dynasty scholars-Sun Fu 孫復, Liu Chang 劉敞 and Sun Jue 孫覺 The explanations of the Chunqiu by these three scholars are similar in form but distinct in kind. This paper wi1l not only investigate the meaning of the Confucian idea of righteousness in the Chunqiu, but will also i1lustratethe problems of interpretation associated with the Chunqiu. |