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題 名 | 我國校園性騷擾防治機制之建構--性別平等教育法相關條文之剖析=The Establishment of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment on Campus Mechanism in Taiwan--An Analysis of Related Provisions of the Gender Equality in Education Act of 2004 |
作 者 | 焦興鎧; | 書刊名 | 臺北大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 62 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁41-90 |
分類號 | 527.59 |
關鍵詞 | 性騷擾; 性侵害; 校園性騷擾; 校園性騷擾之防治; 性別平等; 性別平等教育委員會; 性別平等教育法; Sexual harassment; Sexual assault; Sexual harassment on campus; The prevention of sexual harassment on campus; Gender equality; Committee of gender equality in education; Gender equality in education act of 2004; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之目的,是要對校園性騷擾在我國之嚴重情形及現行法律規範做一整體之檢視,並對美國制度行之多年所累積之經驗加以綜合評析,以做為我國將來擷取援引時參考之用。除序言及結語外,其內容共分為四大部分:第一部分利用早期及近期相關之研究報告及調查,說明此一問題在國內之普遍嚴重情形及所產生之負面影響。第二部分對性別平等教育法所建構之防治機制,做一重點之檢視。第三部分則分析本法相關規定優劣及引起爭議之處。最後則根據美國多年實施之經驗,提供某些可供我國參考援引之處。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to provide a general account of the seriousness of the problem of sexual harassment on campus in recent years in Taiwan and to analyze how the newly-enacted Gender Equality in Education Act of 2004 responds to this emerging issue. It comments on the experiences accumulated in the United States in order to decide whether similar problem solving mechanisms can be utilized in Taiwan. Aside from introductory and concluding remarks, the main contents of the paper are divided into four sections. Section Two uses a number of local surveys to illustrate the prevalence and seriousness of this problem in Taiwan and its adverse impacts. Section Three discusses the major provisions of the newly-enacted Gender Equality in Education Act of 2004. Section Four provides an evaluation of the related provisions of the Act, including their merits, shortcomings and controversial aspects. Finally, this paper analyzes several American experiences, offering some lessons for Taiwan. |