- 關係行銷對服務品質、關係品質與顧客忠誠度影響之研究
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題 名 | 關係行銷對服務品質、關係品質與顧客忠誠度影響之研究=The Impact of Relationship Marketing on Service Quality, Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty |
作 者 | 許世芸; 蔡進發; 蕭至惠; 李佳臻; | 書刊名 | 管理實務與理論研究 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2007.03[民96.03] |
頁 次 | 頁144-166 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 關係行銷; 服務品質; 關係品質; 顧客忠誠度; 財富管理中心; Relationship marketing; Service quality; Relationship quality; Customer loyalty; Wealth management department; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,銀行業者在面臨競爭激烈的產業環境下,日益體認到對於舊有顧客的維持管理是當前銀行業的重點所在,銀行應思考如何提供良好的服務與金融商品來滿足目標顧客群,讓顧客願意與銀行維持長期友好的關係。本研究以便利抽樣方式針對台灣北、中、南地區的銀行財富管理中心的顧客進行實證研究,探討在銀行導入關係行銷時,對服務品質、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之影響,最後希望透過本研究實證結果可以提供銀行財富管理中心在擬定策略時一個參考依據。本研究架構獲得實證上的支持,而得到下列五項實證結果:1.不同的關係結合方式和服務品質有正向關係。2.不同的關係結合方式和關係品質有正向關係。3.不同的關係結合方式和顧客忠誠度有正向關係。4.銀行財富管理的服務品質與關係品質有正向關係。5.銀行財富管理的關係品質與顧客忠誠度有正向關係。本研究也發現:1.南部地區的顧客較中部地區與北部地區的顧客,對於銀行關係品質和顧客忠誠度的認同程度有較高的顯著差異。2.年齡56~60歲的顧客較其他年齡範圍的顧客對於關係行銷、關係品質和顧客忠誠度構面有顯著差異。3.不同職業的顧客在整體關係行銷構面,有顯著差異。4.不同個人平均所得的顧客在整體關係行銷和關係品質構面,有顯著差異。5.不同平均每次交易金額的顧客在整體關係行銷、服務品質、關係品質及顧客忠誠度此四個構面中,都有顯著差異。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, the banking industry is facing a very competition environment. Bank realizes that it is very important for them to retain their existing customers. Moreover, banks try to provide good quality of service and financial merchandise to satisfy the specific customers, and to keep long-term relationship with the specific customers. We use convenient sampling method in our survey to select the certain amount of customers in the wealth management department in northern, central and southern Taiwan. We study the impact of relationship marketing on service quality, relationship quality and customer loyalty-an empirical study of the wealth management departments in banking industry. Conclusively, this study provides strategies and references for the wealeth management departments of banks. This theoretical study is justified by the empirical study. We conclude with the following five remarks: 1. The relational marketing affects the service quality; 2. The relational marketing affects the relational quality; 3. The relational marketing affects the customer loyalty; 4. The service quality affects the relational quality; and, 5. The relational quality affects the customer loyalty. This study also reveals: 1. The customers in southern Taiwan have higher recognition for relationship quality and customer loyalty than those in central and northern Taiwan. 2. The customer with age between 56~60 have more higher recognition than the other customersfor relationship marketing, service quality and customer loyalty. 3. Customers with different occupations have different wealth management. 4. Customers with different average incomes have different for relationship marketing and relationship quality. 5. Customers with different amount of average transaction have different for relationship marketing, service quality, relationship quality and customer loyalty. |