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題 名 | 創造力訓練及群體決策支援系統對問題解決能力的影響=The Effects of Creative Problem Solving Training and Group Decision Support Systems on Creativity Performance Levels |
作 者 | 王精文; 洪瑞雲; 范凱棠; 陸佳瑩; | 書刊名 | 交大管理學報 |
卷 期 | 26:2 民95.12 |
頁 次 | 頁1-20 |
分類號 | 494.542 |
關鍵詞 | 創造性問題解決訓練; 群體決策支援系統; 創性思考能力; 問題解決能力; Creativity problem solving training; CPS training; Group decision support systems; GDSS; Creativity performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以前後測有控制組的實驗設計檢創造性問題解決訓練(CPS)及群體決策支援系統(GDSS)對增進創意的效。以有無接受創造性問題解決訓練(CPS)及有無使用群體決策支援系統(GDSS)的2×2的實驗設計,以四班技術學校的學生共183位為受試者,探討此兩自變項對創造思考能力及問題解決能力的影響。以二因子變異數分析結果發現接受創造性問題解決訓練後,受試者在創造思考能力上及問題的構想及解答的構想量上均有明顯的進步;群體決策支援系統雖然對創意及問題解決能力沒有顯著的助長效果,但研究也發現受試者在遠距的情形上會使用系統來繼續登錄或儲存其新的想法,此結果顯示,提供群群決策支援系統可以協助觀念的收集、處理及儲存,具有克服時間及空間限制的功效,但若要造成認知、思考能力上的變化,則還是有賴面對面的創造性問題解決訓練。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of creative problem solving (CPS) training and collaboration technology (GDSS) to individual’s creative thinking ability and problem solving ability. Four classes of (N=183) technical college students were randomly assigned to 2(CPS)×2(GDSS) experimental conditions students of each class were further randomly assigned to four-person groups to solve problems collaboratively. Subjects receive CPS training were first trained in small group face to face. The CPS+CDSS group then received instruction on how to use GDSS for CPS purposes and practiced brainstorming with their group member on line, which CPS members were working face to face with group members. Results showed that CPS can enhance ones’ creative thinking ability and problem solving ability; whereas GDSS showed no such effect. |