題 名 | 點字學習面面觀=Issues on Learning Braille |
作 者 | 徐文志; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育季刊 |
卷 期 | 96 民94.09 |
頁 次 | 頁16-22 |
專 輯 | 身心障礙者生涯發展與轉銜 |
分類號 | 529.12 |
關鍵詞 | 點字學習; Learning braille; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 融合教育的視障學生其家長與老師,對點字的意義、功能與教學不甚了解,因而對點字學習產生許多的疑問與爭議,筆者彙整相關問題與爭議,以問答的方式探討點字學習的相關問題。本文探討的問題如下: (一)點字是什麼? (二)點字符號是否世界的盲人都通用? (三)為什麼要使用點字? (四)有聲讀物能替代點字? (五)哪些人需要學點字? (六)點字愈早學愈好嗎? (七)點字的學習是否有關鍵期? (八)點字怎麼教效果比較好? (九)為何弱視生點字學不好? (十)弱視生學點字有什麼不好? (十一)視力會惡化,要趕快學點字嗎? |
英文摘要 | Many parents and teachers of students with visual handicaps, who do not know Braille thouroughly, have many questions about this issue. This article was to study these questions and was written with "Q & A" form. They were stated as following: 1.What is braille ? 2.Is braille able to be used by the blind people all over the world? 3.Why does the blind need to use braille? 4.Is braille able to be replaced by recordings? 5.Who needs to learn braille? 6.Is it better for blind students to learn braille as early as possible? 7.Is there a key period for learning braille? 8.How to teach braille effectively? 9.Why can't low-vision students learning braille better? 10.Does it have any shortcoming for low-vision students to learn braille? 11Do low-vision students need to learn braille as soon as possible while their vision deteriorate? |