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題 名 | 資源合集層次描述之研探=A Study on Collection Level Description |
作 者 | 陳和琴; 張怡婷; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 93:2 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁27-47 |
分類號 | 028 |
關鍵詞 | 資源合集層次描述; 資源合集管理; 資訊檢索; 詮釋資料; 互通性; Collection level description; Collection level metadata; Collection management; Information retrieval; Metadata; Interoperability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著網際網路資源的蓬勃發展,圖書館、檔案館、博物館、政府機構及各單位為了讓網路搜尋引擎也能夠發現到資源合集資料庫的內容,國外興起詮釋資料 (Metadata) 以館藏或資源合集 ( Collection ) 作為描述的單位,以應付跨學科、跨組織、跨類型網路資訊的共享,亦為使用者提供最高層級的網路資訊探勘管道。本文試從文獻研探資源合集層次描述 (Collection Level Description) 的意義、 RSLP資源合集分析模式及描述格式、DCMI資源合集描述格式與相關應用等議 題。並嘗試以建置的考量要素、步驟及運作管理架構,提出建立一完整資源合集層次描述機制的建議。 |
英文摘要 | With the increasing of various Internet resources, many organizations including libraries, archives, museums, government agencies, and others have contents that they need to make accessible on the Internet. As the means for resource discovery on the Web, the collection-based metadata is emerging and can be used to cope with the information sharing across disciplines, between organizations, among resources with different types of content, and to provide users with the highest level of information discovery. This paper discusses the meaning of collection level description, analytical model, descriptive schema, and applied method which developed recently. Finally, the authors attempt to construct a complete collection level description mechanism with the essential factors, approaches, and a operating framework that consists of registering, building, examining, managing, and accessing. |