題 名 | 社區考古初探:以臺灣中部地區為例=Assitant Curator Anthropology Department National Museum of Natural Science |
作 者 | 屈慧麗; | 書刊名 | 東海大學文學院學報 |
卷 期 | 45 2004.07[民93.07] |
頁 次 | 頁351-373 |
分類號 | 790.23 |
關鍵詞 | 業餘考古家; 地方考古協會; 文化資產保存法; 搶救考古發掘; 文史工作者; Amateur archaeologist; Local archaeology association; Statute for the conservation of cultural resources; Archaeological rescue excavation; Local cultural history experts; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文所記述的業餘考古人士以及近年各地區考古發現引起民眾高度關心的案例,均顯示了現今臺灣的社會其實對於古學的興趣,藉著知識的水平提昇、媒體的發達比起以往,已是大大的被鼓舞。看來考古學吸引考古學家的那種對過往神祕世界追根究底所獲得的滿足感,同樣挑起了大眾市民的味口。至少這種過往世界之神秘感是可以消費、消遣的,等而上之,則引起一些民眾的求求知慾,進而身體力行也加入業餘考古的行列,其報償便是那此自己花力氣與憑知撿拾來的石器、陶片等,這些手邊的古物一方面見証了神秘的史前世界,也見証了自己參與了這個揭發未知的高尚行動當中。 歐美各國一般民眾對參與古物的採集、發掘並不陌生,媒體也經常有類似的報導。例如在英國民間力量最常見的是整合業餘古者力量的考古協會,坊間也可以看到業館考古者寫的入門書籍,還有社區學校提供很多相關課程,讓民眾的興趣有了正規的引導。在英國有許多社區民眾參與古工作,臺灣的情況又如何呢?本文探討所採用的方法包括文獻回顧與田野訪談,嘗試以大甲、埔里和臺中市為例追索,並且對地方文史工作者與考古遺址的維護和何存以及臺灣相關的法令的關係做進一步的討論。 未來考古資源合理利用與永續經營發展,必需考慮遺址、遺物對當地人或當事人的特殊意義。無論近期的考古人才培訓、資料庫的建立,到長程的蒐藏、教育、展示詮釋、維護保存與觀光市垤的經營,如果能輔導地方人,發揮社區考古的好處將會達到事半功倍的效果。 |
英文摘要 | The amateur archaeologists and archaeological discoveries at different locations over the last few years detailed in this paper are a clear indication of the increased interest in modern Taiwanese society for archaeology. As people learn more and the media has expanded, both trends have encouraged and facilitated this development. It would seem that archaeology ad an academic subject appeals to the archaeologist’s need to know the truth about the mysteries of a world long since past, a desire that clearly also has some degree of popular attraction. At the very least, the sense of mystery that shrouds the past can be consumed or utilized as entertainment. This in turn has awakened in some members of the public a desire to know more and so many have chosen to become amateur archaeologists in their spare time. The lithics and potsherds these individuals have discovered through their own efforts and knowledge are both a testament to the mysteries of the prehistoric world and their won participation in the noble-minded pursuit of revealing the unknown. In the countries of Europe and the United States, members of the public are not strangers to the collection and excavation of ancient artifacts and the media often publish reports on their involvement. For example, in the UK it is frequently the local Archaeology Association that brings together the individual work of amateur archaeologists as a collective effort. Such individuals also write introductory books to the fields of archaeology and community colleges provide a number of related classes, helping to guide this popular enthusiasm in the right direction. In the Uk many members of the public take part in archaeological work, This paper is based on a documentary retrospective and field interview, focusing on site areas in Tachia, Puli and Taichung city, where a more in-depth look is taken at the relationship between local cultural history experts, the upkeep and preservation of archaeological sites and related legal statutes in Taiwan. In today’s society archaeological sites that represent the mysterious past also often have a similarly high future developmental value. With regards the short terms of collection, exhibition, interpretation and the long terms of sites preservation, tourism development, it is important successfully integrating the public into local archaeological resources and the sustainable management. |