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題 名 | 護理人員對身體約束的知識、態度、行為及其相關性探討=A Correlational Study among Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice toward Physical Restraints |
作 者 | 黃惠子; 馬鳳歧; 陳清惠; | 書刊名 | 慈濟護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 2:2 2003.06[民92.06] |
頁 次 | 頁32-41 |
分類號 | 419.61 |
關鍵詞 | 護理人員; 身體約束知識; 身體約束態度; 身體約束行為; Nurses; Knowledge of physical restraints; Attitudes toward physical restraints; Application of physical restraints; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在瞭解臨床護理人員對身體約束的知識、態度、行為及其相關因素之探討。採立意取樣方式,以三所醫學中心之內外科病房及內外加護病房之護理人員為研究對象。資料收集乃使用自擬式之結構式問卷,分別以身體約束知識量表、身體約束態度量表以及身體約束行為量表,共收集160份有效問卷。結果如下: (1)護理人員對身體約束知識整體性瞭解屬於中等程度,其中對「約束適用情況」之平均答對率最低,為62.3%,對「約束的護理原則」之平均答對率最高,為95.8%;(2)護理人員的約束態度,介於「無法決定」至「同意」之間;(3)在約束行為表現方面,介於「有時」至「經常」之間,而身體約束經常為處理病人問題行為的首要措施(73.8%);(4)護理人員身體約束的知識、態度與行為之間呈現正相關。本研究將提供護理人員於護理實務中更加瞭解使用身體約束的利弊得失,並提供醫院在職教育及制定約束政策之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the nurses' knowledge, attitudes, practice, and the related factors of physical restraints. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling from the surgical-medical wards and intensive care units of three medical centers. Three instruments developed by the researchers conducted the study. They were "Knowledge about physical restraints scale", "Attitudes toward the use of restraints scale", and "Nursing applications of restraints scale". One hundred and sixty questionnaires were completed. The results of this study revealed that: (1) Nurses' knowledge of physical restraints displayed a middle level. The lowest correct response rate was 62.3%, which was the item of "understanding of appropriate restraints usage". The highest correct response rate was 95.8%, which was the item of "understanding principal of using restraints". (2) Nurses' attitudes regarding restraints ranged from "undecided" to "agree". (3) Nurses were capable of applying restraints correctly, and their application rate ranged from "sometimes" to "usually". Moreover, physical restraints were often the main methods in dealing with patients' problems (73.8%). (4) There were positive relationships among nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and applications about physical restraints. The results of this study will provide the nurses with more information to apply physical restraints in clinical situations. The results can be also the guidelines for arranging the in-service education and establishing hospital policy of physical restraints. |