題 名 | 組織內智慧資本創造之理論探討=Exploring the Creation of Intellectual Capital within an Organization |
作 者 | 劉念琪; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 12:2 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁117-136 |
分類號 | 494 |
關鍵詞 | 智慧資本; 知識管理; 工作特性; Intellectual capital; Knowledge management; Job characteristics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在此知識經濟的時代,如何能有效地聚集與運用知識,創造企業的智慧資本,將是企業在未來競爭中決勝的關鍵。由於過去知識管理的相關理論,主要是由現象出發,著重於大方向與整體架構之確立;但對於細部概念進一步之釐清,更精確地定義相關建構,及各相關變數間關係之討論仍十分不足。因此本研究基於過去文獻,將組織內部的智慧資本的存量概念,區分為知識型態與知識層次兩個構面;並將智慧資本之流量概念區分知識來源與內部知識流向三個構面,探討組織智慧資本的存量與流量問之關聯。同時並以工作特性模型為基礎,討論探討工作特性因子對組織內部門層次智慧資本存量的影響,及探討工作特性因子對組織內部門層次智慧資本流量的影響,最後並形成研究命題。 |
英文摘要 | As the third millennium approaches, to identify and manage the intellectual capital of the organization has become the sustainable competitive advantages of the firm. Knowledge management becomes a 'hot topic' and a tremendous challenge for academic researchers. However, academic state of this field is still in its rudimentary stage. There is lack of a well-defined framework for conceptualizing and identifying the stocks and flows of intellectual capital within organizations. Given the importance and the complexity of these issues, a more rigorous conceptualization of the intellectual capital is critical for the development of this research area. Based on previous research, this study seeks to supply a general understanding of the elements that underlie the concepts of intellectual capital stocks and flows. On the point, the more concrete description about the relationships between these constructs will be developed. The second goal of this study is to identify the role of job characteristics in affecting the gravity of such problems, and in determining the stocks and flows of intellectual capital within organizations. Finally, by utilizing the relevant theories and the research framework formed in the first stage, a questionnaire will be developed for the following survey. These theoretical propositions will be tested against an empirical data set which will be collected in the latter stage of this research. |