題 名 | 版畫發展新觀點=A New Point of View on the Development of Printmaking Art |
作 者 | 張家瑀; | 書刊名 | 人文藝術學報 |
卷 期 | 2 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁209-228 |
分類號 | 937 |
關鍵詞 | 木刻版畫; 金屬凹版畫; 平版畫; 絹印; 綜合版畫; 電腦繪圖輸出; Xylography; Intaglio; Etching & Engraving; Lithography; Silk-screen; Collagraph; Digital image; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 版畫藝術的發展歷程至今一千餘年,從西元八世紀的木刻版畫發展開始,演進到文藝復興前後期的金屬凹版畫誕生,十八世紀末期的平版畫的發明,乃至近代以降,使用於藝術的絹印創作,和一九六、七○年代創發而出現的綜合版畫,甚且當代被某些國家、地區所認可的電腦繪圖輸出等作品,不論創作媒材為何,長期以來,創作者的概念模式大抵仍都停留在以平面形式表現為其發展主軸。因此,就表現的形式所受到的限制層面而言,若細究觀察與推論,在此則可以大膽的預作推測,版畫藝術的發展是否能在技術層面之外更加提昇,其表現形式的是否能作改變,是現階段最需思考與討論的要點,特別是本世紀國際版畫及素描雙年展在臺展出之後(2001.10 -2002.02於臺北市立美術館展出),入圍的作品較往例趨於多樣化,使用的媒材及表現形式更趨前衛,筆者以為這是一項值得共同深加思考的議題,因此,本文依歷代版畫藝術的發展與更迭,以其發展的形貌應可證明出當代版畫藝術發展風貌的新趨勢,兼而論證其必然性,是則為本文探討的主要目的。 |
英文摘要 | The art of printmaking has been developing since xylography was invented in the 8th century. It then went through several phases, including intaglio around the Renaissance; lithography in the 18th century; the silk-screen crafts, which were applied to arts; collagraph in 1960's and 1970's; and works of digital images nowadays, which are accepted as forms of printmaking in some countries and some areas. No matter what materials were used, the artists have always presented their works mainly through plane forms. This observation of the limitation of creation form raises two questions: whether or not printmaking art can be promoted upon the technical part, and whether or not creation form can be changed. In The 10th International Biennial Print & Drawing Exhibition held in Taipei (October, 2001 - February, 2002 in Taipei Fine Art Museum) we saw works of much more varieties on forms and materials. The abovementioned questions become even more appealing. This paper, based on the developing and changing of the printmaking art in different periods in history, is to reflect on the new trend of the art of printmaking. |