題 名 | 慧皎《高僧傳.僧肇傳》疑點考釋=A Note on the Problem of Hui Jiao's “The Biography of Seng Zhao” |
作 者 | 李明芳; | 書刊名 | 東吳哲學學報 |
卷 期 | 7 民91.12 |
頁 次 | 頁35-55 |
分類號 | 229.332 |
關鍵詞 | 僧肇; 鳩摩羅什; 慧皎; 高僧傳; Seng Zhao; KumarajIva; Hui Jiao; Gao Seng Zuan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在做為記載僧肇生平事蹟的第一手文獻--梁.慧皎《高僧傳.僧肇傳》中,存在著一項主要的疑點,即僧肇冠年名振關輔,與京兆宿儒及關外英彥抗辯的年代,與僧肇遠赴姑贓並隨羅什返回長安的年代相矛盾。此一疑點經歷代注疏者的不同解讀,異說紛陳,莫衷一是。 本文從解讀「及在冠年」的脈絡意義入手,經由檢查慧皎其他使用類似語詞的例子,可以確認此語係指“大約二十歲左右”的意思,此外,文中並論證僧肇可以在一年的時間內往返於姑贓與長安。這樣的結論,使得慧皎所記述僧肇生平事件的前後次第,在不改變原文的情況下就可以獲得合理解釋。 其次,本文亦討論僧肇很可能於晚年在佛陀耶舍的譯場中有長達四年的聽譯時期。此一事實的增補,將可使僧照的生平事跡更形完備。 |
英文摘要 | There is a critical problem in Hui Jiao's “The Biography of Seng Zhao”. In the biography, Seng Zhao became famous and disputed with other scholars in Chang An when he was twenty years old. The biography also shows that Seng Zhao came to Gu Zang and returned to Chang An along with KumarajIva when he was eighteen; however, this year conflicts with the year previously stated in the biography when Seng Zhao was twenty. This problem puzzled many commentators from Sui Dynasty to the contemporary and invited a lot of different interpretations. This article mainly focuses on that problem and try to justify it is possible for Seng Zhao to leave and be back to Chang An in the same year. If this argument is legitimate, then the order of those important events described by Hei Jiao should be correct. Another point of this paper is to present that Seng Zhao has once stayed at BuddhayaZas and listened to the translation of the Vinaya of DharmaguptAH and the DIrhAgamaH for four years. This event will make the chronology of Seng Zhao complete. |