題 名 | 系列螺槳幾何模型表示方法之研究=Study on a Geometrical Modeling Method for Series Propellers |
作 者 | 郭真祥; 陳立勳; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 86 2002.10[民91.10] |
頁 次 | 頁43-52 |
專 輯 | 「工科海洋」專輯 |
分類號 | 444.7 |
關鍵詞 | 螺槳展開曲面; Bλ木條曲線; Bλ木條曲面; 圓角化連結曲面; 相關曲線; 外觀處理; Expanded surface; Bλ-spline curves; Bλ-spline surfaces; Blending surface; Correlation curves; Rendering; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 處理電腦輔助幾何設計的問題上,Bλ木條曲線因兼具B木條曲線局部幾何特性控制及可準確內插之優點,極為適合用於小現有物體之幾何外形,系列螺槳葉片即為一例,螺槳幾何形狀是由性質不同之曲面所組成:由固定座標點形成之葉片曲面、轂(Hub)之圓柱曲面及銜接二者之圓角化連結曲面(Blending Surface),如何使用Bλ木條曲線(Bλ-spline curve)來表示出一個完整的螺槳葉片形狀為本研究的主要目的。首先利用螺槳二維展開圖的座標給資料建立成展開曲面,再將之轉換成三維的實際座標,再使用一方法來計算螺漿葉片與轂相連接的圓角化曲面,如此,可建構一完整的螺槳幾何造型並加外觀處理。 |
英文摘要 | In dealing with Computer Aided Geometric Design, the Bλ-splines, because they possess both the property of local shape control geometry of B-splines and the potential for precise interpolation, are suitable for the geometrical definition of free formatted objects. Serial propeller blades are an example. The geometrical shape of a propeller is made up of various curved surfaces: the curved surface of the blade, the cylindrical surface of the hub, and the blending surface connecting the both. The main objective of this paper is to find out how to represent a propeller blade with Bλ-spline. First we create an expanded surface of a blade based on the two-dimensional plan of the propeller, then convert it into actual 3-D space, Then we calculate the blending surface between blade and hub, thus creating a complete geometrical design of a propeller on which further rendering could be made. |