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題 名 | The Toxin Components Study on Generic Products of Abamectin=類阿巴汀產品之成份研究 |
作 者 | 鄭允; 高靜華; 黃毓斌; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 51:1 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁43-55 |
分類號 | 433.85 |
關鍵詞 | 阿巴汀; 類阿巴汀; 毒性不純物; 成份分析; 農藥管理; Abamectin; Generic product; Impurities; Analysis; Pesticide regulation; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 自從阿巴汀在本省登記以來,市面上經常可購得非法進口的類阿巴丁產品,即所謂的「黑藥水」,供農民防治蔬菜害蟲使用。此類產品低價且未經精煉,所含毒性成份究竟為何,迄今仍不為人知。本研究針對此一問題於田間取得37件樣品,並逢機取樣其中23件進行成份分析,於五方面進行比較:(1)總毒性成份及含量、(2)具毒理資料之成份(B1a及B1b)分析、(3)B1a及B1b成份及比率分析、(4)不具毒理資料成份(A1a、A1b、A2a及B2a)之分析及(5)各成份間比率分佈分析。結果顯示,類阿巴汀成品之毒性成份含量超過登記之阿巴汀2~6倍,但其中有81%為未具毒理資料之毒性不純物(A1a、A1b、A2a及B2a),而所含具毒理資料之B1a及B1b較阿巴汀低37%。23個類阿巴汀樣品之B1a/B1b平均值與阿巴汀相同,但樣品間之變動極大,在90:10至100:0之間。不具毒理資料之毒性成份超過法定標準134倍,且因小菜蛾對此類毒物已產生2500~5000倍之抗藥性,在合法之阿巴汀撤銷其登記後,超量使用類阿巴汀產品將造成蔬菜上殘留大量未具毒理資料之殘毒,對消費者安全造成潛在之威脅。 |
英文摘要 | Abamectin is the first microbial insecticide extracted from Streptomyces avermitilis and has been registered for diamondback moth control. Not long after abamectin was registered, the generic products of abamectin started to market, and the low-cost, un-refined generic products soon out-competed the registered abamectin by a volume of more than 9 to 1. This forced abamectin being withdrawn from its registration in 2001. Currently, the generic products have occupied the whole market without detailed chemical composition and toxicological information. In this study, we had collected 23 samples of generic products for components/composition analysis and compared those data with the standard abamectin on five aspects: (1) total avermectin content, (2) the B1 composition, (3) the ratios of B1a/B1b, (4) contents of avermectins, and (5) the avermectin composition spectrum. The results indicated the total avermectins of generic products is 2 to 6 times of the registered abamectin, but the generic products contained only two-thirds of registered B1. More than 81% of total avermectins in generic products are unregistered components i.e., A1a, A1b, A2a and B2a. The toxic components of generic products varied greatly from sample to sample. Only the averaged ratio of B1a/B1b is the same as abamectin, however, this ratio was also sample-dependent, which varied from 90:10 to 100:0. The biggest problem of generic products is the amount of their toxic impurity content is about 5.37%, that is 134 times higher than the legal limit. The result confirmed that the generic products are crude, low-cost and unrefined pesticides, which lack toxicological information and post possible health hazard of unregistered toxic residues on vegetables. The generic products of abamectin induced high resistance in the diamondback moth within five years and the resistance ratio and reached 2500- to 5000-fold in 2001. These generic products also cause significant problem for pesticide registration, regulation and application, which should be reevaluated and corrected. |