題 名 | 草苺穴植管苗誘植時期對育苗數與果實產量之影響=Effect of Raising Runner-plant Time for Transplanted on Planting Tube on Strawberry Seedlings and Berry Yield |
作 者 | 李窓明; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 44 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-7 |
分類號 | 435.365 |
關鍵詞 | 草苺; 匍匐蔓; 幼苗; 穴植管; 誘植時期; 植株生育; 產量; Strawberry; Stolon; Runner-plant; Planting tube; Transplanting time; Plant vigor; Yield; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為探討草莓匍匐蔓於不同時期摘除,重新再留匍匐蔓供誘植育苗之用,藉以瞭解對育苗數量及果實產量之影響,於1998年3月至2000年4月間在新屋鄉本場進行試驗,供試品種為「桃園1號」,四個穴植管苗誘植時期,並以8月1日假植之穴植管苗處理為對照。田間果實產量試驗採逢機完全區集設計,四重複。綜合兩年試驗結果,在穴植管苗產量方面,A處理不摘除匍匐蔓並於6月1日開始誘植,至8月1日截止可培育150支/m2以上之穴植管苗,但苗床呈現擁擠現象。B處理5月1日摘除匍匐蔓6月1日開始誘植者,育苗數為100-110支/m2穴植管苗,苗株健壯。C處理6月1日摘除匍匐蔓7月1日開始誘植者‧1998年培育111支/m2穴植管苗,但是1999年受高溫影響,育苗數量銳減。D處理7月1日摘除匍匐蔓8月1日開始誘植者,由於誘植時間短且時期晚,不但單位面積育苗數少而且苗較幼嫩。田間試驗方面,植株高度與寬度處理間差異不顯著,B處理之葉數多但其葉面積較小,果實採收始期以D處理較遲,果實糖度處理間差異不顯著,B處理之果實顯著大於A處理者,果實產量以B處理最高,A處理最低,惟經變方分析結果,處理間差異不顯著。根據育苗數量及果實產量綜合評估,5月份以前所長之匍匐蔓應予以摘除,8月中旬以後之幼苗不宜誘植,以免果實小產量降低,最適誘植時期為6-7月之間。 |
英文摘要 | The effects of cutting stolons and renewedly to grow runner-plants for transplanting on planting tube at different times on the strawberry seedling and berry yield were studied. The experiment was conducted at Hsinwu village, Taoyuan from March 1998 to April 2000. The variety "Taoyuan 1" was used. Four treatments of cutting stolons date and transplanting runner-plants on tubes were involved in this study. The runner-plants retransplanted on tube on August 1 was as check. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used and yield as well as horticultural characteristics of berry were taken. The results of two year experiments are summarized as follow: The treatment of keeping stolons and runner-plants transplanted on tube begin on June 1 (treatment A) had more than 150 seedlings per m2 on August 1. Seedlings were crowded on banch. The treatment of cutting stolons on May 1 and runner-plants transplanted on tube begin on June 1 (treatment B) had 100-110 seedlings per m2. The seedlings grew well. The treatment of cutting stolons on June 1 and runner-plants transplanted on tube begin on July 1 (treatment C) had 111 seedling per m2 in 1998. But due to higher temperature in 1999, it had 60 seedlings per m2 only. It was caused by short growth duration and late operation of transplanting, the treatment of cutting stolons on July 1 and runner-plants transplanted on tube begin on August 1 (treatment D) had only few seedlings with young status. In field test, the height and width of plant were not different among treatments. Treatment B had much leaves with small leaf area. The beginning of harvesting of treatment D was later than the other treatments. There were no difference of sugar content among treatments. Fruit size of treatment B was significantly larger than treatment A. The berry yield of treatment B was the highest and treatment A was the lowest. Whereas there were no difference among treatments. According to the results suggest that stolons growing before May should be picked out and no more transplanting after mid-August. The optimum time for runner-plant to planting on tube was from June to July. |