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題 名 | 國小高年級學生性教育現況及需求之研究=The Study of Sexual Education and Demands in the High Grades of the Elementary School |
作 者 | 晏涵文; 蘇鈺婷; 李佳容; | 書刊名 | 臺灣性學學刊 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2001.09[民90.09] |
頁 次 | 頁1-22 |
分類號 | 523.3779 |
關鍵詞 | 國小高年級學生; 性知識; 性態度; 與性相關議題之行為與經驗; 性教育需求; High grades of the elementary school; Sexual knowledge; Sexual attitude behavlors and needs for aexuality education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在調查臺灣地區國小高年級學生的知識、性態度、與性有關的行為及性教育需求之現況,並比較上述變項在不同背變項下的差異,一步探討學生性知識、性態度、與性有關的行為對其性教育需求的預測力。本分層集束抽樣法,依臺灣地區北、中、南、東四區人口比例隨機抽取36所國小,最後得有效樣本數1967人。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料收集,所重要結果如下: 一、高年級學生的性知識普遍不足,性態度偏正向,開始發育的時間有提早的趨勢,少數學生已有與異性交往或自慰等性行的經驗。二、學生主要的性知識來源為老師、母親、課本、父親與同學朋友。並認為自己最需要常習有關「性健康」、「人際關係」和「社會與文化」的知識。三、學生在性知識與性態度方面,六年級得分均較五年級高,學業成績高者均較低者得分高,常接觸性資訊者均較隆南接觸者得分高;並且女生的性態度較男生正向,居住在北部和南部地區者較東部地區者正向。在性教育需求程度方面,女生高於男生,六年級高於五年級,常接觸性資訊者高於不常接觸者。四、性知識、性態度、與性有關的行為等三個預測變項可以觸釋性教育需求的總變異量的24%。 依據研究結果提出對性教育之建議,尤其應調整學校性教育課程,以作為「九年一貫」新課程之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were to explore the sexual knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and needs for sexuality education of the upper graders in the elementary schools in Taiwan, to compare the differences among the above variables based on some demographic variables, and furthermore, to identify the potential predictors of students’ needs for sexuality education. The study also focused on the parents of these students. It explored parent-child communication about sex issues, parents’ perceived efficacy of giving sexuality education at home, and their opinions of having sexuality education in families, schools, and the society. To make the sample representative, stratified cluster sampling was used to select subjects from 36 elementary schools, which were randomly selected from eastern, western, northern, and southern parts of Taiwan in proportion to their population allocation. Thus the subjects included 1867 students and 1698 students’ parents. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Students’ sexual knowledge was insufficient, sexual attitudes tended to be positive, and their age of puberty was earlier. A few of them had experienced dating and masturbation. 2. Students’ main sources of the sexual knowledge were teachers, mother, textbooks, father, and peers. Their perceived demands for sexual education were “Sexual Health”, “Relationships”, and “Society and Culture”. 3. Students’ sexual knowledge, attitudes, and needs for sexuality education indicated significant differences due to their genders, levels, grades, resident areas, and the amount of sexual information they abtained. 4. Students’ sex knowledge, attitudes and behaviors could significantly predict their demands for sexuality education, explaining 24% variation. Further discussions were made on the basis of present research findings and some suggestions were proposed. |