題 名 | 詭譎的閩海(1628-1630年)--由「李魁奇叛撫事件」看明政府、荷蘭人、海盜李魁奇和鄭芝龍的四角關係=The Cunning of Fu-Chen Coastal Area (1628-1630): An Investigation of the Relationship between Ming Dynasty Government, the Hollander, the Pirate Li Kuei-chi and Cheng Chih-lung |
作 者 | 何孟興; | 書刊名 | 興大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 12 2001.10[民90.10] |
頁 次 | 頁133-156 |
分類號 | 626.96 |
關鍵詞 | 李魁奇; 鄭芝龍; 荷蘭人; Li Kuei-chi; Cheng Chih-lung; The Hollander; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 明末思宗崇禎的初年,東南邊陲的閩海地區並不平靜,因海盜蜂起和荷蘭人要求通商的問題,令明政府困擾不已。 本文,主要想藉由崇禎元年時,一位橫行於閩海,原為鄭芝龍重要的部下,名為李魁奇的海盜叛撫經過始末,來觀察和分析李個人與當時閩海其他三股主要的勢力-明政府福建當局、以臺灣為基地的荷蘭人以及「亦官亦商」、「官皮盜骨」的鄭芝龍,四者彼此間的利害矛盾、恩怨分合和強弱興亡;並對這事件演變的經過及其前因後果,做一番評析和探討。因為,李魁奇的叛撫事件的演變結果,對上述四個主要勢力彼此間的消長和走向,都具有深遠的影響。 由研究和分析中,得知當時閩海四大勢力-明朝福建政府、荷蘭人、海盜李魁奇和鄭芝龍,他們在競爭互動的過程中,把現實利益擺在中間,置道義於腦後,彼此間「爾虞我詐」,於是一幕又一幕「變幻莫測」的場面出現在閩海地區,令人驚嘆不已!故,稱此時期的閩海為「詭譎」的閩海。 |
英文摘要 | This research examines, observes and analyses -- through the pirate name Li Kuei-Chi -- the relationship between Li Kuei-Chi, his senior Cheng Chih-Lung, Fu-Chen Government of Ming Dynasty and the Hollander who occupied Taiwan at the time. Li Kuei-Chi once surrendered Fu-Chen Government, he then led a rebellion and was finally abolished. These four sources of power at the coastal are of Fu-Chen regarded profit-gaining as the most important factor in their competition process. Cunning and deception between the four powers could be found in one scene after another, which explains the reason why Fu-Chen coastal area was called an area full of cunning. |