題 名 | 印度實施經濟改革以來的外交走向=India's Foreign Policy Since Economic Reform |
作 者 | 方天賜; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 40:4 民90.07-08 |
頁 次 | 頁81-96 |
分類號 | 578.372 |
關鍵詞 | 印度外交政策; 經濟改革; 東向政策; 古杰拉爾主義; 中印關係; 美印關係; India's foreign policy; Economic reform; Look east policy; Gujra Doctrine; Sino-Indian relations; Indo-American relations; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 蘇聯解體之後,印尼必須重新制訂它的外交政策並尋求新的夥伴關係, 來彌補在外交、經濟,甚至安全上失去的援助。與此同時,印尼政府也因財 政危機而開始推行開放的經濟改革政策。本文試圖說明,一九九一年以來的 經濟改革不僅在經濟層面改變了印尼內向型的經濟政策,同時也催生新的外 交取向和目標。經濟改革伴隨著冷戰結束的影響,促使印尼外交由傳統的不 結盟取向轉向以交往政策為重心。印尼和東南亞、南亞鄰國、中共及美國的 關係清楚顯現出這項調整。 |
英文摘要 | With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, India was required to reformulate her foreign policy and seek new international partnerships to compensate for the loss of diplomatic, economic, and even security support from her traditional partner. Almost at the same time, India's government began to restructure its economic policy in order to open up to the world in the wake of the financial crisis that shook the country in the early 1990s. This paper suggests that the economic reforms initiated in 1991 not only altered India's inward focus on the economic front, but also generated momentum towards a new foreign polich orientation and a readjustemnt of foreign policy goals. The thrust generated by economic reforms along with the end of the Cold War deflected India's policy from non-alignment towards engagement. India's foreign policy was adjusted to meet the significant changes in the internal and external environment, as illustrated by its relations especially with Southeast Asia, its immediate South Asian neighbours, mainland China, and the U.S. |