- 對我國近期幾項防制工作場所性騷擾相關改革措施之評析
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第1筆 /總和 1 筆
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題 名 | 對我國近期幾項防制工作場所性騷擾相關改革措施之評析=A Critical Review and Evaluation of Current Reform Measures Concerning the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment at Work in Taiwan |
作 者 | 焦興鎧; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 28 2001.07[民90.07] |
頁 次 | 頁133-170 |
分類號 | 544.528 |
關鍵詞 | 工作場所性騷擾; 兩性工作平等法草案; 性騷擾防治法草案; 臺北市政府性騷擾事件處理要點; 臺北市就業場所性騷擾防制自治條例; Sexual harassment in the workplace; Gender equality in employment bill; The prevention and treatment of sexual harassment bill; Measures for handling sexual harassment incidents for the Taipei Municipal City Government; Self-rule statute for the prevention and treatment of sexual harassment in employment for Taipei Country; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之目的,是要對我國過去一年內在防制工作場所性騷擾上各項改革措施做一整體說明,並評析其優劣得失。除序言外,全文共分四大部分:第一部分是以我國近期幾項擬議中立法草案有關規範公共場所性騷擾規定之重要內容為探討中心,包括「性騷擾防治法草案」、「兩性工作平等法草案」及其他相關附屬法規等。第二部分是以臺北市政府過去一年在這方面之努力為主加以說明,分別敘述「臺北市政府性騷擾事件處理要點」之制定、臺北市政府就業歧視評議委員會之三則評議及其他相關改革措施等。第三部分則是討論臺北市縣政府之相關改革措施,主要以「臺北縣就業場所性騷擾防制自治條例」之相關規定為對象;最後,本文對這些相關規定之優缺點做一綜合評述,並在結語部分提出若干具體建議事項,以期此一連串之近期改革措施得以發揮更大的功效。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to make a critical review and evaluation of a number of reform measures adopted by the public sector to prevent the incidents of sexual harassment at work in Taiwan recently. In addition to the introductory remarks, the contents of the paper can be divided into four parts. Part One describes the contents of several related bills concerning the prevention and treatment of sexual harassment in the workplace, such as the Gender Equality in Employment Bill, the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment Bill and their enforcement regulations (in draft forms). Part Two examines the efforts made by the Taipei Municipal Government in combating this problem, such as the enforcement of the Measures for Handling Sexual Harassment Incidents for the Taipei Municipal City Government, the handling of three complaints concerning sexual harassment at work by the Employment Discrimination Commission of the Taipei City and several other related reform measures. Part Three discusses the enactment of the Self-Rule Statute for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment in Employment by the Taipei Country and Part Four puts forth a general assessment of these reform measures and evaluated their merits, shortcomings and several unresolved issues. Finally, the paper offers a number of suggestions in the concluding section for the Government to adopt in order to make these reform measures more effective. |