題 名 | 大規模地震災害時防災公園評估基準之初探=A Pilot Study of Evaluated Norm for Disaster-prevention Park during Earthquake |
作 者 | 潘國雄; 簡賢文; | 書刊名 | 中央警察大學災害防救學報 |
卷 期 | 2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁235-255 |
分類號 | 441.571 |
關鍵詞 | 避難場所; 災害時緊急應變據點; 緩和及防止災害; 評估基準; 安全防災都市; Shelters; Base points for emergency measures in disaster; Mitigation and prevention of disaster; Evaluation norm; Safe and disaster-preventing city; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 大都會區發生嚴重地震災害時,可預見會產生房屋倒塌、維生管線中斷及火災延燒等災害,居民從自家緊急逃出後,散佈於社區附近之開放空間後,可確保最基本的安全性。此外,從地震教訓經驗中可發覺從事消防、醫療、救護、復舊復興活動及接受外來援助單位、義工團體時所需之廣大空間之設施,明顯不足且規劃混亂。因此,提供居民安全處所、短期及長期具生活機能之收容處所、防救災上所需空間、據點之防災公園之規劃工作,也是地震頻仍的臺灣必須面對之重要課題。 本文係參考日本規劃都市中之防災公園時所引用之設計規範及注意事項,提出國內從事建造或改建防災公園時,所需相對應之評估基準。其探討的過程中,可分為三個主要項目及防災公園於災害發生時所可擔任之角色(任務):(1)提供避難之場所;(2)災害時緊急應變活動據點;(3)災害的緩和、防止等,並依據上述三項任務,所衍生出防災公園外部街廓的危險度,及內部設施的耐震安全性及支援搶救災之有效性,來分析各項評估項目(基準)在評估過程中的相互關係,以研擬出評估「防災公園評估基準」之流程圖,並由此「防災公園評估基準之流程圖」,可作為開發新的防災公園、改建目前老舊公園,或為未來整合防災安全都市等「防災公園」規劃之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | During a sever earthquake happened in a metropolis, it can be expected innumerable buildings will be damaged, lifelines can be broken and also fire may spread after earthquakes. The safety of residents can be assured after they escape from houses and stay at open-spaces. From the experience of earthquakes, some problems can be identified which are the wide area or spaces and facilities that arranged to provide the space for fire-fighting, rescue and emergency medical care, recovery and rehabilitation, accept rescue teams and volunteers from other area might not enough and lack of a god planning. For this reason, it is worth to study the evaluation norm for disaster-prevention parks which can provide residents shelters and the open-spaces and facilities during emergency in Taiwan. This paper constructs the evaluation norm from three roles of disaster-prevention park that include (1) shelters, (2) bases for emergency activities in disaster, (3) spaces for mitigation and prevention of disaster. The function of evaluated norm can be summarized as follows: analyzing the relationship of process between (1) the dangerous degrees of outside areas and streets, (2) the safety of earthquake-resistant in inner facilities, (3) the efficiency of supporting for emergency activities. According to the three evaluation norms we can construct flowchart and items. Hence, the flowchart and items could be recommended to local government to plan a new park, renew old parks then achieve Safe and Disaster-preventing City. |