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第1筆 /總和 1 筆
/ 1 筆
題 名 | Das Bild der Chinesen in der Deutschen Literatur um die Jahrhundertswende: am Beispiel von Karl May=世紀末德國文學裏中國人的形象--以卡麥為例、Image of the Chinese in German Literature at the Turn of the Century: The Example of Karl May |
作 者 | 郭名鳳; | 書刊名 | 淡江人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 7 2001.05[民90.05] |
頁 次 | 頁160-236+159 |
分類號 | 875.57 |
關鍵詞 | 卡麥; 中德文學比較; 通俗文學; 文學社會學; 形象研究; 言說分析; Karl May; Comparative literature; Popular literature; Literary sociology; Image; Discourse analysis; |
語 文 | 德文(German) |
中文摘要 | 德國文學�堣什磥H的形象常隨德國國勢,社會政治之變遷而有所不同。 由正面變負面或由負面變正面皆有可能。本文將藉德國通俗文學暢銷作家卡麥的 小說江魯來闡釋形象與社會、政治變遷的關係,並勾勒出卡麥在作品中實際是以 西方世紀末的教會思想來管窺中國文化及人。卡麥並把自己小人物的理想及經驗 投射至作品�堙C卡麥的崇美主義及氾日耳曼主義是相互呼應的。通俗文學影響形 象至劇,有待學界重視。本文並試以言說分析理論來闡釋卡麥作品。 |
英文摘要 | The image of the Chinese in German literature has changed with the development and transformation of German society and politics. This paper intends to study the construction of the image which has a direct bearing on the social and political transformation of Chinese society, a prominent theme the well-known novelist Karl May deals with in his novel Kiang-Lu, a novel of the genre of popular literature. I argue in the novel that May uses Western Christian thought of the end of the century to glimpse Chinese people and culture. The ideal and experience of the author himself as a trivial character is projected into the novel. Pro-Americanism and Pan-Germanism interact with each other in this novel, an interesting point which is worthy of further scholarly pursuit and is believed to have significant influence upon popular German literature. Discourse analysis of Jurgen Link is employed to interpret May's work in this paper. |