- Writing for the Social Sciences in English, when One's Native Language Isn't English
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題 名 | Writing for the Social Sciences in English, when One's Native Language Isn't English=社會科學英文學術論文寫作之要領 |
作 者 | Morton,Peter; | 書刊名 | 華岡外語學報 |
卷 期 | 8 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁273+275-289 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 社會科學; 英文; 學術論文寫作; Writing; Social sciences; English; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 英文已成為世界上最普遍的語言,外國人士投稿英文期刊之數目日增,且需要論 文評審過程之指導。不同的學術團體有不同的傳統,因此研究問題之選擇和解答方法,亦就 深受使用語言之影響。本文將作者在中國文化大學商學院教授「學術論文寫作」多年之經驗 ,彙編成篇,提供中國研究學者,在投稿海外英文期刊必須注意之事項。 |
英文摘要 | With English emerging as the most popular second language, the foreign contributor to English-language publications increasingly needs procedural guidance in dealing with the peer review process. Furthermore, different societies inherit different scholarly traditions, raising the possibility that the selection of research questions, and the methods applied to answer them, could very well be influenced by one's language background. This article attempts to distill a few of the lessons learned from four years' experience teaching "Scholarly Research Writing" to Ph.D. students in the Chinese Culture University Business School. The goal is to provide some clear insights into the adjustments that native Chinese authors need to make in order to publish successfully in overseas journals. |