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- 文蛤資源研究(1):同功異構酶的應用初報
題 名 | 同功異構 在斑潛蠅快速診斷鑑定技術之應用=The Application of Isoenzyme to Develop Rapid Diagnostic Techniques for Identification of Leafminer Flies, Liriomyza spp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) |
作 者 | 邱一中; 吳文哲; 蕭旭峰; 石正人; | 書刊名 | 植物保護學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 42:4 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁235-247 |
分類號 | 387.795 |
關鍵詞 | 斑潛蠅; 快速鑑定技術; 蛋白質電泳; 同功異構酶; Liriomyza spp; Rapid diagnostic techniques; Identification; Protein electrophoresis; Isoenzyme; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 潛蠅類具經濟危害性的種類大約有150餘種,是重要的經濟害蟲,其中又以斑潛蠅屬(Liriomyza)最為重要,為國際檢疫上的重要害蟲。本屬成蟲及幼體時期(卵、幼蟲和蛹)均不易鑑定,在檢疫上面臨極大的困難。本研究之目的在嘗試應用蛋白質電泳技術,以同功異構��(isoenzyme)作為診斷鑑定的標誌,以解決斑潛蠅種類鑑定所面臨的難題。本研究以 8 種��的同功異構��進行 7 種斑潛蠅的鑑定,結 果以天冬氨酸轉胺��(aspartate aminotransferase)、蘋果酸脫氫��(malate dehydrogenase)以及�薚�B(peptidase B)等3種��的同功異構��電泳圖譜,對斑潛蠅鑑別效果較佳。同種斑潛蠅內,不 同生長時期和不同性別間,均有相同的同功異構��電泳圖譜,穩定性高;但在不同種斑潛蠅間,則有明顯的差異,可供作7種班潛蠅種類鑑定的依據;酯��(esterase, non-specific)的同功異構��圖譜,則僅可鑑別出部分斑潛蠅種類,可供作為種類鑑定的輔助;而 6-磷酸葡萄糖脫 氫��(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)、核��磷酸化��(nucleoside phosphorylase)、甘露 糖磷酸異構��(mannose phosphate isomerase)和乳糖脫氫��(lactate dehydrogenase)等��的同功異構��,在試驗的活性染色方法下,均無法產生明顯可供分析的區帶以供辨識。 |
英文摘要 | One hundred and fifty reported species of leafminer flies cause economic damage in crops, and the most important species are polyphagous especially Liriomyza spp. that are important quarantined pests in international trade. The identification of Liriomyza spp. are difficult to identify in immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) and even adult, which lead to many obstacles in the international quarantine. This study attempts to develop the molecular techniques of isoenzyme electrophoresis to identify Liriomyza spp. and evaluate the application in quarantine. Seven Liriomyza species were used for this study. The patterns of isoenzymes including aspartate aminotransferase, malate dehydrogenase and peptidase B could be suggested for identification of these species, and there are no difference in the isoenzyme electrophoresis patterns among the different stages and sexes of each species, but obvious differences between different species. Moreover, the patterns of esterase also could distinguish some of the Liriomyza species. Due to the trace amount of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase、lactate dehydrogenase, mannose phosphate isomerase and nucleoside phosphorylase inside the body of Liriomyza, they could not be stained after electrophoresis. |