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題 名 | 國產蔬菜低溫集貨場運銷體系規劃之研究:以茭白筍與竹筍為例=A Study of Establishing Vegetable Low-temperature Distribution Center System: An Example of Water Bamboo and Bamboo Shoot |
作 者 | 李宗儒; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟半年刊 |
卷 期 | 68 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁27-56 |
分類號 | 431.27 |
關鍵詞 | 茭白筍; 竹筍; 蔬菜; 低溫集貨場; 預冷; 運銷; Water bamboo; Bamboo shoot; Vegetable; Low-temperature distribution center; Cooling; Marketing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國內蔬菜除了在變化較大之時節外,供需大抵是平衡的,價格亦趨合理,但目前的 運銷方式,是否足以滿足國人日益高漲的「吃的好又要精緻」的要求,則值得探討。因此, 本文以茭白筍及竹筍二種失重率較高之蔬菜為規劃對象,試圖規劃一低溫集貨場運銷體系, 以提高其品質,來滿足國人的需求。本文所稱的低溫集貨場運銷體系,是指在追求最低總成 本(即建構成本與運輸成本之和最低)的目標下,探討全省成立低溫集貨場之區伅、規模及 服務範圍。本文共建立了三個模式模式(M1)是一非線性數學模式,模式(M2)是一整數 變數極多之整數數學模式,此二模式共同點為不易求解。模式(M3)則是線性之0-1數數數 學規劃模式,可在有限時間內求得與模式(M2)相同之最佳解。本文採用民國88年颯白筍 及竹筍的日別資料,以Cplex軟體求解模式(M3),最佳解時顯示,應在基隆、臺北、桃園、 苗栗、雲林、高雄、臺東及花蓮等縣市各成立一茭白筍之低溫貨場,而在基隆、臺北、桃園、 新竹、南投、臺南、高雄及屏東等縣市各成立一竹筍之低溫貨場,以便在最低總成本目標下, 滿足各縣市對茭白筍及竹筍的供需。 |
英文摘要 | The demand and supply of vegetables in Taiwan are fairly balanced and the prices of vegetables are reasonable except during seasonal abnormal weather periods. Since the market mechanism is stable, this research is aim to find out whether the current marketing system can provide customers with high-quality vegetables. The purpose of this paper is to establish a low-temperature distribution center system (LDCS) to improve the vegetable quality to meet future customer needs. Water bamboo and bamboo shoot having the characteristics of easy weight lost are selected as research object. The content of LDCS is to determine the number, location and service area of the low-temperature distribution center with the least cost in building and transportation. In this paper, three mathematical models are built. Model (M1) is a nonlinear programming model and model (M2) is an integer programming model with huge amount of integer variables. The common character of model (M1) and model (M2) is that it is not easy to find the optimal solution. Hence, model (M3) with the characteristics of linear 0-1 integer programming is proposed. Model (M3) is easier to find the optimal solution which is the same as the of model (M2). Model (M3) is chosen to formulate the distribution system. Daily data in 1999 and Cplex software are used to solve model (M3). In the optimal solution, a distribution center for water bamboo should be established in Keelung, Taipei, Taoyuan, Miaoli, Yunlin, Kaoshiung, Taitung, Hwalien respectively. Also, Keelung, Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Nantou, Tainan, Kaoshiung and Pingtung county/city should have a distribution center respectively for bamboo shoot. |